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GEF-8 Wildlife Conservation for Development Integrated Program: Guidance Sessions on the Expression of Interest Process

January 26-31, 2023


Guidance Session on the Expression of Interest Process

The Wildlife Conservation for Development Integrated Program (WCD IP) is one of 11 integrated programs in the Global Environment Facility’s eighth replenishment cycle (GEF-8). The IP aims to conserve terrestrial, freshwater, and marine wildlife and habitats by transforming the drivers of species loss and ensuring that countries and communities benefit from these natural assets. Any country that receives GEF funding can express interest in participating in WCD IP. Interested countries will work through their national GEF Operational Focal Point and their chosen GEF Agency to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI).

The Call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to participate in WCD IP opened January 16 and will close on February 17, 2023. The GEF Secretariat provided an EOI template, through which interested countries will need to address selection criteria and demonstrate their commitment toward the WCD IP objective and the potential to generate global environmental benefits and co-benefits. The template and a GEF memo on the EOI process can be accessed here.

To help countries and partner agencies prepare their EOIs to participate in WCD IP, the World Bank, as the Lead Agency for WCD IP, is organizing two online guidance sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to:

  • give background information on WCD IP and the country child project EOI process
  • share detailed step-by-step guidance on how to complete the EOI template
  • answer any questions on WCD IP and the EOI process

Register for either session on the right-hand side.

Please share this invitation with anyone interested in learning about this process for WCD IP.


Session 1

  • January 26, 2023: 8:00-9:00 am EST
Register here

Session 2

  • January 31, 2023: 9:00-10:00 am CET
Register here

You can register for either session. French and Spanish simultaneous interpretation will be provided.