- Support Pacific Island WTO members to increase their alignment with the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and to meet their TFA notification obligations.
- Assist participants to identify and consider practical trade facilitation reforms that are suitable for implementation in the Pacific Island regional environment focussing on,
- improved border agency cooperation through a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the various border agencies
- increased participation of the private sector as a critical partner in trade facilitation reform
- enhanced understanding of best practices and lessons learned by border agencies and the cargo logistics industry, internationally and/or within the region, ensuring new border processes and procedures are more inclusive for all traders at export/import or in transit.
- Assist policymakers in monitoring and evaluating trade facilitation reforms by conducting regular time release studies to establish baselines of current performance, procedural bottlenecks and develop national and regional reform actions upon which future activities can be based
- Explore ways of enhancing the Pacific Island Regional Trade Facilitation Strategy (to be validated on 6 December 2022) and inform national action plans and a regional roadmap with a particular focus on the end-to-end regulatory requirements for the exportation, importation and release and clearance of goods/products in international trade.
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