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Workshop Series on Urban Resilience and Response to Extreme Weather Events: Workshop #1

December 7, 2022
Online Zoom Meeting

Organized by the World Bank in Partnership with the Ministry of Emergency Management of People’s Republic of China

“Strengthening Urban Resilience and Responding to Extreme Weather Events” is an advisory service and analytical project implemented by the World Bank’s China Urban, Resilience, and Land Team. It aims to help Chinese cities build resilience to climate change. This project will showcase international best practices on urban resilience and facilitate peer-to-peer learning between Chinese policymakers and their international counterparts. The international case studies under the project include Tokyo (Japan), New York City (USA), Petrópolis (Brazil), Manchester (UK), Cologne (Germany), and Athens (Greece). International experts will investigate in each case study how the extreme weather events in each city have triggered changes in the city’s approach to and governance of resilience to climate-induced risks. Leading Chinese experts will distill the most relevant lessons learned for the Chinese policymakers and make recommendations accordingly.

This workshop is the first of a series of workshops to be organized under the project. The first workshop will kick off the project, with the authors of the six international case studies presenting research outlines and preliminary findings. Feedback from Chinese experts and policymakers will help refine the research focus. Other workshops will be organized in the course of the project to discuss intermediate findings and disseminate final case studies and the main report.


  • Dates: Wednesday, December 7, 2022 (Beijing, Athens, Cologne, Manchester, and Tokyo); Tuesday, December 6, 2022 (New York City, Washington DC, and Florianopolis)
  • Venue: Online Zoom Meeting