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Educating For Tomorrow: 2022 Youth to Youth Community Event

March 31, 2022



Y2Y is a multifaceted network of young professionals, endorsed by the World Bank Group President, and dedicated to engaging, inspiring, and empowering young people in global development.


Engage with today’s education leaders to discuss tomorrow’s problems impacting education. The main goal of the event is to understand the upcoming disruptors in this sector, how to raise global awareness for education, and the importance of empowering youth to become the leaders of tomorrow.



    The Educating for Tomorrow event welcomes an internal and external global audience to join the Y2Y Community in engaging with today’s education leaders to discuss tomorrow’s problems impacting education. The main goal of the event is to understand the upcoming disruptors in this sector, how to raise global awareness for education, and the importance of empowering youth to become the leaders of tomorrow.


    This event aligns with the World Bank Group’s Communications Priorities for 2022. We acknowledge that the month of March focuses on education, gender, environment, and Y2Y will support this current corporate priority by hosting the Educating for Tomorrow event which provides a platform for featured World Bank Experts to empower their thought-leadership in the global education sector, while including external perspectives focused in education in LAC and MENA regions. The event will foster an intergenerational discussion while ensuring a diverse geographic representation, as well as gender balance and relevance on the topics covered.

  • 1 hour and 30 mins

    Y2Y Community – Welcoming Words (5 mins)
    For Love of Children – Opening Remarks (5 mins)
    WBG Global Director for Education – WBG & Navigating Recovery (15 mins)
    WBG Education Supporting Specialist - Navigating Recovery Presentation (10 mins)
    WBG Education Specialist - African Region Project and ACE Presentation (10 mins)
    Italian Ministry of Education - Senator Barbara Floridia Recording (5 mins)
    Virtual Educa – Imagination Economy (20 mins)
    Youth Voices Global Chapter - Brazil Youth Presentation (10 mins)
    Q&A Session (10 mins)
  • ❖         WBG | Global Director for Education, Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi

    The World Bank Group plays a key role in the sector of education. As the largest financier of education in the developing world, the World Bank works on education programs in more than 80 countries, calling for access to quality education and learning opportunities for all by 2030. Jaime Saavedra leads the Education Global Practice at the World Bank Group and has a lifetime experience in the field of education, having served as Minister of Education of the Government of Peru from 2013-2016. Jaime’s perspectives in education and economy, as well as their links to equity, poverty reduction, and sustainable development, will bring a unique opportunity for the discussion on how to navigate the learning recovery process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    ❖         For Love of Children | Executive Director, Brandelyn Anderson

    The event will kick off with empowering opening remarks from Brandelyn Anderson, Executive Director of D.C based non-profit partner For Love of Children (FLOC). FLOC provides educational support and services beyond the classroom to help students succeed from second grade through college and career, regardless of ZIP code, skin color, or family status. Recognizing that children and equality are attached, FLOC believes the best education combines quality in the classroom with enhanced learning opportunities outside the classroom.

    ❖     WBG | Education Specialist, Maria Eugenia Oviedo

    An influential and young professional with experience and passion in the WBG Education GP will support Jaime’s overall intervention by presenting the WBG Education Recovery Package. Specifically, her voice and space in this event will further support the importance of youth becoming involved in the future of education, and discussing the current urgencies for political commitment to education due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    ❖     WBG | Education Specialist, Himdat Iqbal Bayusuf

    Himdat Iqbal Bayusuf is an Education Specialist at the World Bank, focusing on higher education and skills development in the Western and Central Africa region. Her operational and analytical experience at the World Bank spans 10 years, where she has led project design, preparation, supervision and implementation support. She is a task team leader of the Africa Centers of Excellence Higher Education Project (ACE project), which covers nine countries and 22 universities in West and Central Africa. Himdat is also one of the regional team leads of the newest series of regional ACE projects, The ACE Impact, which covers more than 10 priority sectors across 10 West African countries and 40 universities in West Africa and Djibouti. Himdat will bring her unique lens in the field of education in the African region, enriching the conversation with all her practical experience.

    ❖     Virtual Educa | Director of Innovation, German Escorcia

    Partnered with the Y2Y Community since it's foundation, Virtual Educa focuses on promoting innovation in Education with the aim of promoting social transformation and sustainable development, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. Escorcia will discuss the future shift from an information-based society towards an imagination and creativity-based society. Organizations are becoming less based on material activities and more based on intangible products. Significant changes appear on the notion of property, depreciation, and digital so that education will have a mastering role for tomorrow, as the most market valued products will emerge from imagination.

    ❖      Italian Ministry for Education | Undersecretary of Education, Senator Barbara Floridia

    Previously, as a Professor of Literature, Italian and Latin since 2000, Senator Floridia provides industry expertise and experience in her current role as the Undersecretary of Education for the Italian Minister for Education. Her political career launched in 2017 where she has since been elected and served as a Senator, Education Secretary, and Member of Parliament. Since February 2021 she has been the Undersecretary for Public Education in the Draghi government for the Republic of Italy. She will provide insight and share her inspiring words through a pre-recorded video for this Educating for Tomorrow event.

    ❖     Youth Voices | Brazil Chapter Lead, Flavia Bedicks

    The Y2Y “Youth Voices” program was first initiated by the WBG office in Lima, Peru in 2002 as Youth New Voices (Voces Nuevas), a voluntary advisory group composed of 23 non-staff young Peruvian men and women from various backgrounds. Since 2002, the Youth Voices Initiative, nurtured by Y2Y leadership, has formed 9 active chapters including Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Georgia, Jordan, Lebanon, China, Tanzania, and Western Europe. During this event, the Youth Voices Brazil Chapter will share their experiences and the work they’ve been leading on the ground.

Event Details

  • Thursday, March 31, 2022: 09:00am – 10:30am ET
Register Here