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Singapore’s Approach to Artificial Intelligence: Building Trust, Enabling Innovation and Accelerating Adoption

July 22, 2021


Singapore Artificial Intelligence

From chatbots and robots to facial recognition and autonomous vehicles, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications affect the way people interact, how businesses conduct transactions, and how governments deliver public services. While the gains in productivity and innovation from AI could be significant, there are also risks that can amplify existing bias, discrimination, and inequality. At the rapid pace of innovation, there is an urgent need for policymakers to understand the technology and its implications to ensure inclusive and equitable distribution of its benefits and mitigation of risks. 

  • In collaboration with Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Singapore’s national AI programme, AI Singapore (AISG), this session will discuss Singapore’s journey in establishing a trusted and vibrant AI ecosystem.

  • Opening Remarks:

    Boutheina Guermazi, Director, Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank


    Mark Williams, Practice Manager, Global Knowledge and Expertise, Digital Development Global Practice, World Bank


    Lee Wan Sie, Director, Trusted AI and Data, Singapore IMDA

    Lee Chein Inn, Deputy Director, Data Innovation Programme Office, Singapore IMDA

    Laurence Liew, Director, AI Innovation, AISG

    • Singapore’s Model AI Governance Framework
    •  Trusted Data Sharing Framework
    •  Accelerating AI Adoption


  • DATE: July 22, 2021
  • TIME: 8:30-10 AM (DC); 8:30-10 PM (Singapore)
  • LOCATION: Online