"Resetting Digital Transformation in MENA countries" is about promoting trust, transparency, and accountability and helping create private sector-led jobs in the region.
Enabled by universal and affordable broadband and widespread availability of cashless payments, digital transformation is a driver for economic recovery and long-term growth of the private sector, as well as the modernization of public service delivery.
While the region has several factors playing in its favor, including a young population and a growing entrepreneurial culture, the COVID-19 pandemic offered a dramatic test case for the effectiveness of digital solutions across the MENA region, from the Ocean to the Gulf. Now is the time to work collectively to accelerate digital transformation in the region and to identify priority areas for public investments, analytical work and policy reforms to unlock private sector investments.
This webinar will focus on what will it take for the MENA region to leverage digital solutions to promote trust, transparency and accountability and help create private sector-led jobs.