The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF are co-organizing a virtual Global Parliamentary Forum on the occasion of the Annual Meetings October 12-15, 2020.
The event is an opportunity for parliamentarians from around the globe to engage in a direct dialogue with World Bank and IMF leadership and their peers on the most pertinent development and global economic matters. Parliamentarians have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 pandemic response passing exceptional laws, approving stimulus packages, and overseeing government management of the crisis. The forum will serve as a platform for legislators to deepen their understanding of current development challenges and both institutions’ responses to the COVID-19 crisis, to and share best practices that they can take back to their parliaments to inform meaningful and inclusive policies and reforms for strong country outcomes.
This year’s forum will be comprised of four sessions spanning four days around the theme of “Achieving a green and inclusive recovery post COVID-19:”
· October 12 – Townhall with World Bank Group President David Malpass and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva
· October 13 – Women Leading Politics and Development session in collaboration with Women Political Leaders marking Beijing +25, featuring World Bank Managing Director Mari Pangestu and IMF Deputy Managing Director Antoinette Sayeh as well as a panel of female Speakers of Parliament from around the world
· October 14 – Achieving a Green and Inclusive Recovery Post COVID-19 session with World Bank and IMF Chief Economists Carmen Reinhart and Gita Gopinath
· October 15 – Policy Reforms Supporting Private Sector Investment for Green and Inclusive Growth session in collaboration with IFC, including IFC COO Stephanie von Friedeburg and private sector representatives.
Interested parliamentarians are invited to register here by October 2, 2020