The world is faced with a global education emergency of unprecedented scale. According to estimates by the World Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic, at its peak, caused more than 180 countries to mandate temporary school closures, leaving 85 percent of the world’s learners out of school. Children with disabilities and their families, especially those living in poverty, face significant multiple vulnerabilities during this pandemic, including education, health, and social protection. The World Bank's latest Issues Paper, 'Pivoting to Inclusion: Leveraging Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis for Learners with Disabilities', discussed the numerous challenges facing learners with disabilities, and rethink remote learning with an inclusive lens.
At this morning seminar, Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, World Bank’s Global Disability Advisor, who led a team to prepare for this paper, introduced its main findings.
8am - 9am Friday September 18, 2020(Japan Standard Time)
Prior to that, she worked as a Senior Operations Officer at the Bank to integrate disability inclusive development into operations in the East Asia Pacific and Africa regions. Earlier in her career, she was appointed by President Nelson Mandela to the South African Human Rights Commission focusing on social and economic rights, disability rights, and child rights. From 1996 to 1998, she also served as a project officer on child protection for UNICEF. She holds a Master’s Degree in international law and administration from the University of Warsaw, Poland, and an LLM from Cornell Law School. |
Presentation material: Inclusive Education Initiative (PDF)
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