July 30, 2020 (Thursday)
8:30-10:00 am EST
When it's time, join the live webcast.
People stand on marked spots to practice social distancing as they queue for a donated iftar in Indonesia. Achmad/World Bank
You are invited to the launch of the Sourcebook on The Foundations of Social Protection Delivery Systems. The Sourcebook synthesizes real-world experiences and lessons learned of social protection delivery systems from around the world, with a particular focus on social and labor benefits and services. It takes a practical approach, seeking to address concrete “how-to” questions.
Michal Rutkowski, Global Director, Social Protection & Jobs, World Bank
Opening Remarks
Mamta Murthi, Vice President, Human Development, World Bank
John Blomquist, Global Lead for Delivery Systems, Social Protection and Jobs, World Bank
Tina George, Senior Social Protection Specialist, World Bank
Ines Rodriguez Caillava, Social Protection Specialist, World Bank
Kenichi Nishikawa Chavez, Senior Social Protection Economist, World Bank
H.E. Juliari Batubara, Minister of Social Affairs, Republic of Indonesia
H.E. Lena ElShiekh Omer Mahgoub, Minister of Labor and Social Development, Republic of Sudan
Ralf Radermacher, Head of Programme, Social Protection, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit & SPIAC-B Working Group on Digital Social Protection
Michael Walton, Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School