Click here for a statement on 2020 Spring Meetings
The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) has become an integral part of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Spring and Annual Meetings, providing an open space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank Group and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of topics.
The program includes:
- an orientation session on the World Bank Group;
- a roundtable discussion with World Bank Group Executive Directors;
- a CSO Innovation Fair;
- and CSO-organized, policy dialogue sessions that reflect the diversity of CSO policy concerns. These sessions will be selected from submissions from CSOs sent to us during a call for proposals, which is open until January 31, 2020.
What are CSOs?
CSOs include non-governmental organizations, community groups, labor unions, indigenous peoples movements, faith-based organizations, professional associations, foundations, think tanks, charitable organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations. Representatives from the private sector, academia or governmental bodies must apply for accreditation through the "Guests" or other respective registration category as clarified on the main 2020 Spring Meetings website.