Aiming to serve not only as a knowledge exchange, but as a model for sustainable solutions, the conference will be delivered as Tanzania’s first major zero waste event, in collaboration with Nipe Fagio – a civil society organization that aims to turn Dar es Salaam into a cleaner, more sustainable city. More about Nipe Fagio here: www.facebook.com/pg/NipeFagioTanzania
URTZ is supported by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery’s Understanding Risk, a global community of experts and practitioners with interest in the field of disaster risk identification, specifically risk assessment and risk communication. More information on UR here: https://understandrisk.org/
Call for Artists
Creating Resilience – an art exhibition – invites artists of all forms to transform the city’s top polluting materials into thought-provoking creative works. More information: www.studio19.co.tz/creatingresilience.html