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Second Working Group Meeting: Experts discuss preparation of the Knowledge Notes focusing on Japanese experience in Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management

October 26, 2018

Tokyo, Japan

  • As part of knowledge activities of the World Bank’s Urban Flood Community of Practice, the second Working Group Meeting on Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management (IUFRM) was held in Tokyo on October 26, 2018 with the objective to review preparation of Knowledge Notes on Japanese IUFRM case studies.

    The technical-level meeting was hosted by the World Bank Tokyo DRM Hub and the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice, and joined by experts on urban flood risk management including the Government of Japan (JICA), academia, private sector (Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd.), and civil society organizations. The review focused on four key topics

    (i) flood risk assessment and communication,
    (ii) investment planning and prioritization,
    (iii) implementation of flood risk reduction and management investments, and
    (iv) ensuring operations and maintenance for sustainability

    Building on discussion and recommendations from the first Working Group Meeting, experts provided guidance on the relevancy and content of key messages for all four Knowledge Notes, and suggestions on how to strengthen the key takeaways and lessons learned from the identified case studies that are valuable to the global IUFRM community. The group’s valuable inputs and discussions will shape the finalization of the IUFRM Knowledge Notes expected to be completed by early 2019.