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Resilience Dialogue: The Disaster that Never Happened – Can Resilient Infrastructure Help Save the World?

October 13, 2017

Preston Auditorium



This instance of the Resilience Dialogue series will take an in-depth look at the role that quality infrastructure, including nature based solutions, will play in protecting communities from compounding climate and disaster risk. Over the next 20 years, we will build more infrastructure than the last 2,000 – locking in either risk or resilience for future generations.
With climate change, rapid urbanization, and other drivers increasing vulnerability, especially for the poor, this discussion will explore how the built environment and nature-based solutions can better protect lives and livelihoods around the globe.


The Resilience Dialogue series was launched in 2011 when major development and humanitarian partners meeting at the World Bank agreed to institutionalize a series of events on the margins of the WBG-IMF Annual and Spring Meetings to monitor progress on the resilience agenda. With 11 successful events and dozens of high-level participants from country governments and major development agencies, the Resilience Dialogue series brings awareness and focused policy advocacy to issues within the field of disaster risk management, including financing, partnerships, innovation, technology, preparedness, institutional capacity and more. These highly visible flagship events helped ensure climate and disaster resilience remains at the forefront of these important conversations.


  • DATE/TIME: Friday, October 13, 2017, 11:00am-12:15pm
  • VENUE: Preston Auditorium