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First Africa China World Bank Education Partnership Forum: Higher Education, Science and Technology
July 10-15, 2017Beijing/Shanghai

The 1st Africa-China-World Bank Education Partnership Forum, to be organized by the University of Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the World Bank, aims to strengthen the tripartite relationship and forge new partnerships between leading universities, science and technology research institutes, and private enterprises of the two regions. The 1st Forum will focus on Higher Education, Science and Technology and will be organized in Beijing and Shanghai from July 10-15, 2017. A group of 80 participants are expected to arrive from Africa, from higher education institutions and governments, including faculty members, vice chancellors, and policy makers. The Forum aims to expose the Africa delegation to the state of art of higher education science and technology in China and help build bridges between Africa and China at multiple levels, paving the road for more sustained partnership. Key objectives of the 1st Africa-China-World Bank Education Partnership Forum are: To learn about the frontier of science and technology in agriculture, renewable energy, ICT, health, railway, education, and other sectors in China; To share lessons and practical approaches in teaching, learning, research, innovation and technology transfer, for developing technical and scientific capability in higher education; To share policy and practices in university governance and management; To form new partnerships and explore creative modalities of collaboration at different levels between the government agencies, education and training institutions and the private sector.

Sub-Saharan Africa has experienced remarkable growth over the last fifteen years. Recent rapid economic transformation and foreign investment including Chinese investments have boosted demand for greater technological skills and applied research in these areas. However, there is a significant gap between demand and supply of skills required for the labor market of African countries’ transforming economies. A coordinated regional approach can build upon existing academic and training institutions in the region to collectively produce skilled workforce, especially in priority sectors where demand for skills is the greatest.

The World Bank finances and supports a significant portfolio of higher education, science and technology, as well as skills and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) development projects in Africa. PASET[1], which is a unique Africa led initiative, was launched in 2013 with support from the World Bank and partner countries including Korea and China. By now, PASET has a full-fledged governance structure and emerging initiatives including regional scholarship and innovation fund (RSIF), the regional skills centers of excellence, capacity building in institutional benchmarking and planning of human resources.  Additionally, two ongoing World Bank regional projects in higher education aim to produce science and technology talent and skills for the continent:  The Western, and Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centers of Excellence Projects (ACE I and II) is committed to strengthening 46 competitively selected centers, housed in 37 universities across 16 African countries, to deliver quality, market-relevant post-graduate education, and build collaborative research capacity in five regional priority areas: industry, agriculture, health, education and applied statistics. Funding of each center is tied to agreed results and is only disbursed for their achievement, ensuring stronger ownership and impact. Under ACE II alone, over the course of next five years (2017-2022), these centers plan to collectively enroll over 3,500 graduate students, including 700 PhD students; publish 1,500 journal articles; and launch over 300 partnerships and research collaborations with private sector and other academic institutions both in and outside the region.

China has been emerging from its own set of socio-economic challenges. Over the last two decades, the country has witnessed some of the best cases of innovation in advancing science and technology through higher education as key contributing factors to rapid education, social and economic development. Significant advances have been made in frontier science and technology by the Chinese institutions and private sector such as agriculture, renewable energy, ICT, as well as railway technology.  Africa could potentially benefit from learning the approaches, methods and strategies of innovating higher and TVET education for development of science and technology in China to accelerate their economic growth and improve cost-efficiency of relevant reforms. Moreover, China has now become a prominent development and strategic partner for Africa. The country was the single largest infrastructure financier in eleven African countries between 2009 and 2012. In December 2015, at the China-Africa Summit, China pledged US$ 60 billion in development assistance to Africa promising the nations to help industrialize, and aiding in technology, equipment, professional and skilled personnel, and capital needed to help put Africa on a sustainable development path. 

Tripartite partnership on education between China, Africa, and the World Bank is progressing well with support from the Chinese government and the World Bank. Several Chinese institutions have built partnership with African institutions financed by the World Bank projects. For example, the University of Addis Ababa center for the railway technology, is cultivating partnership with the Southwest Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China; East China Normal University is partnering with the Nelson Mandela Academic Institute of Science and Technology in Tanzania. These partnerships have turned out to be mutually beneficial. There is need for scaling up partnerships among more Chinese universities and their African counterparts.

Hence a Forum on China-Africa-World Bank Education Partnership is being proposed as a potentially sustainable mechanism to maintain the tripartite dialogue and partnership. The 1st of the series will focus on science and technology in higher education.  A 2nd one will focus on TVET and skills development in 2018. The format of the forum includes high level dialogues, workshops, and field visits to relevant academic and industrial facilities, private companies which are already active in Africa or interested in supporting Africa human resource development. 

The 1st forum on higher education science and technology will not only expose the Africa delegation to the state of art of higher education science and technology in China but also help build bridges between Africa and China at multiple levels, paving the road for more sustained partnership.  It will advance the Chinese government strategy on human resource development in Africa and improve the performance of the MOE and MOA and private company projects in Africa.  Results and outputs from the 1st education forum in July 2017 will provide timely input to the design of the education and training panel in the 3rd Invest in Arica Forum to be held in Senegal in September 25-26, organized by the Senegal Government, Ministry of Finance China, the China Development Bank and the World Bank.

[1] Partnership for Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (PASET), which seeks to build the technical and scientific skilled labor force for priority sectors from the technical/vocational level to higher education and research to support the structural transformation of Africa

The China-Africa-World Bank 1st Education Partnership Forum will be on Higher Education and Science and Technology. It is an initiative to strengthen the tripartite relationship as well as to forge new partnerships between leading universities, science and technology research institutes, and private sector of the two regions.  Key partners of the forum include the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Key objectives of this forum are:

  • To learn about the frontier of science and technology in agriculture, renewable energy, ICT, health, railway, education, and other sectors in China
  • To share lessons and practical approaches in teaching, learning, research, innovation and technology transfer, for developing technical and scientific capability in higher education
  • To share policy and practices in university governance and management
  • To form new partnerships and explore creative modalities of collaboration at different levels between the government agencies, education and training institutions and the private sector

Sunday, July 9

Arrival in Beijing

·     Airport pick-up in batches depending on participants’ arrival information; arranged by UCAS staff and volunteers

·     Check into Accommodation on UCAS campus


Beijing Capital International Airport

Monday, July 10

08:00 – 08:30



No. 1 lecture hall, UCAS International Conference Center (UICC)

08:30 – 09:30

Opening Ceremony:

·     President Chunli Bai or Vice President Jie Zhang (CAS/UCAS)

·     Representative of the Chinese Ministry of Education (TBD)

·     Mr. Yong Wang, Deputy Director, Chinese Ministry of Finance International Cooperation

·     Mr. Geng Wang, Director, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture International Cooperation

·     Dr. Xiaoyan Liang, Lead Education Specialist, The World Bank

·     Dr. Aminata Sall Diallo, Advisor to Minister of Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Senegal and Executive Director for PASET


09:30 – 10:30

Keynote Speech: Management of Higher Education, Science Technology and Innovation in China: policies, institutions and innovative practices

·     By Dr. Yueliang Wu, UCAS Vice President


10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break and Group Photo



11:00 – 12:00

Keynote speech: Status of Higher Education Science and Technology in Africa

·     Dr. Mohammed Salifu, Executive Secretary, Ghana National Council for Higher Education

No. 1 lecture hall, UCAS International Conference Center (UICC)

12:00 – 13:00




13:30 – 14:30

An Opening Academy—CAS’ International Cooperation and Exchange

·     By Dr. Jinghua Cao, Director, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS


No. 1 lecture hall, UICC

14:30 – 15:00

Coffee break


15:00 – 16:00

UCAS’ Practice and Innovation in Industry Linkage

·     By Dr. Gang Su, UCAS Vice President


16:00 – 18:00

UCAS Campus Tour:

·     Grandview Terrace

·     CAS graduate education exhibition

·     Museum of Development of Nuclear Power and Man-made Satellite Lab visit

UCAS Campus

18:00 – 20:00

Dinner and Networking


Banquet hall, UICC

Tuesday, July 11 (Parallel Thematic Sessions)

08:30 – 12:00

Theme 1: Climate Change and Agriculture

·     By Dr. Dahe Qin, CAS Academician & HU Chunsheng, Professor

·     By Prof. Bobe Bedadi Woreka, Haramaya University, Climate Smart Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation

·     Discussion and exchanges


No. 2 lecture hall, UICC

Theme 2: Health and Life Sciences

·     By Dr. Zhiming Yuan, Director of WIV, CAS

·     By Dr. Debo Adeyewa, Vice Chancellor, Redeemer University

·     By Dr. Abebaw Fekadu, Center Leader for Clinic Drug Development Center, Addis Ababa University

·     Discussion and exchanges


No. 3 lecture hall, UICC

Theme 3: Renewable Energy, Extractive and Other Industries

·     By Dr. Suojiang Zhang, CAS Academician

·     By Prof. Etienne Ntagwirumugara, University of Rwanda, Energy for Sustainable Development

·     Discussion and exchanges


No. 4 lecture hall, UICC

Theme 4: ICT, Statistics and Education

·     ICT and Higher Education by Dr. Songlin Feng, Former President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Member of the Africa PASET Consultative Advisory Group

·     By Prof. Ousmane Thiare on Africa ICT, statistics or education Centre d'Excellence Africain en Mathématiques, Informatique et TIC (CEA-MITIC), University of Gaston Berger

·     By Prof. Junhao Zhang on ICT and Teacher Education, Shanghai Normal University

·     Discussion and exchanges


No. 5 lecture hall, UICC

12:00 – 13:00


Center restaurant

13:00 – 13:30

Reconvening to depart for the field visit



13:30 – 17:00

Visit to the Lenovo Group Headquarters and Sugon


Lenovo building

18:00 – 20:00

Dinner and networking


Center restaurant

Wednesday, July 12

08-30 – 09:30

Presentation: Curriculum Development for Science Education

·     By Dr. Yuanxun Zhang, CAS Academician


No. 1 lecture hall, UICC

09:30 – 10:30

Presentation: University’s Management of Research, Innovation and Commercialization of Research Output: Policies and Practices

·     By Dr. Desheng Wu, CAS Academician


No. 1 lecture hall, UICC

10:30 – 11:30

Presentation: Higher Education Quality Assurance in Africa

·     By Prof. Abubakar Adamu Rasheed, Executive Secretary, Nigeria National Council of Higher Education


No. 1 lecture hall, UICC


South to South Cooperation for Africa Transformation

·     By Dr. Jia Yu, Director of the International Development Cooperation Department of the Centre for New Structural Economics at Peking University



12:00 – 13:00


Center restaurant

13:00 – 13:30

Reconvening to depart for the field visit


13:30 – 18:00

Visit to Industry Park and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences


18:00 – 19:00


Center restaurant

19:00 – 21:00

Closing ceremony, signing of MOUs, and Chinese Art performance:

Brief remarks by:

·     Representative from UCAS

·     Hyacinthe Gbaye, Senior Economist, The World Bank

·     Africa represented by Dr. Alexandre Lyambabaje, Executive Secretary, IUCEA


School Hall

Thursday, July 13

Early morning

Departure for Shanghai (Air China (CA 1835) departing PEK at 8am on July 13 and arriving in PVG at 10:15am); or other flights around the same time. Drop-off arranged by UCAS.

Beijing Capital International Airport

10:30 – 12:30

Arrival in Shanghai

·     Airport pick-up in batches depending on participants’ arrival information; arranged by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) staff and volunteers.

Pudong Airport

12:30 – 13:30


Dazhiju Restaurant

14:00 – 14:30

Opening Ceremony

Brief remarks by:

·     Dr. Zhongqin Lin, President of SJTU

·     Representative from Shanghai Education Commission

·     Dr. Xiaoyan Liang, Lead Education Specialist, The World Bank

·     Africa delegation, represented by Dr. Rose Awuor Mwonya, Vice Chancellor Egerton University, Kenya


SJTU, New Admin Bldg. B418

14:30 – 15:30

Presentation: Chinese Higher Education Development and Modern University Governance

·     By Dr. Zhen Huang, Vice President, SJTU

15:30 - 16:00

Presentation: Africa University Governance and Management

·     By Dr. Karoli Nicholas Njau, Vice Chancellor, Nelson Mandela Institute of Science and Technology

16:00 – 16:15

Coffee break

16:15 – 17:00

Presentation: Benchmarking of Chinese and African Universities

·     By Dr. Mou Jingwen, Director, Shanghai Ranking Consultancy


17:00 – 17:30

Graduate Tracer Studies of Chinese Universities

·     By Dr. Boqing Wang, Founder and CEO of Mycos


17:30 – 18:00


18:30 – 20:00

Welcome Dinner and Networking

Liuyuan Restaurant

Friday, July 14

08:30 – 09:15

Presentation: Innovative Engineering Education in China and SJTU

·     By Prof. Jiabin Zhu, Institute of Higher Education

SJTU, New Admin Bldg. B418

09:15 – 09:45

Case Presentations on Innovative Engineering Education:

1. SJTU-UM Joint Institute

·     By Prof. Peisen Huang, Dean of Joint Institute

2. SJTU-Paris Tech Elite Engineering Institute

·     By Prof. Jin Yu, Dean of the Elite Engineering Institute

09:45 – 10:00


10:00 – 10:15

Coffee Break

10:15 – 10:45

Presentation: Internationalization of Higher Education and Impact

·     By Prof. Yansong Li, President, Shanghai International Studies University

10:45 – 11:00


11:00 – 11:30

SJTU Campus Tour:

·     SJTU Museum of History & Achievements

12:00 – 13:30


University Cafe

14:00 – 14:30

Reconvening for tour of Zizhu Science Park


14:30 – 15:00

Presentation: Research Innovation and Commercialization

·     By Prof. Ruzhu Wang, Professor of Power and Energy

Zizhu Science Park

15:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 16:00

Zizhu Science Park presentation

16:30 – 17:30

SJTU Lab Tour:

·   SJTU Robotics Institute

·   Sino-Italian Green Energy Building


SJTU Campus

18:30 – 20:00

Closing Dinner and networking (Huangpu River Cruise)


Farewell remarks by Africa delegation, represented by Dr. Sylvia Shayo Temu, Director of Higher Education Tanzania and member of ACEII Regional Steering Committee


Saturday, July 15

10:00 – 16:00

·   Option 1: Field Trip to Chongming Island for Project on Environmental Protection. Participants will visit the modern farm on the island which is an ecological demonstration site.


·   Option 2*: Field Trip to Shanghai Normal University for a special program on math and science teacher training. Details of the program below.


·   Option 3: Free time. For your convenience, SJTU will arrange shuttle bus from hotel to downtown area. Details of the program and locations to be provided in Shanghai.



Departure on Saturday evening July 15 or Sunday July 16
