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The World Bank Group Controller and KPMG Annual Finance and Accounting Conference
May 31, 2017Preston Auditorium, World Bank, Washington DC

This one-day workshop, which runs from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, brings together leading experts from KPMG for an in-depth discussion on current accounting and finance issues facing the Banking industry. NOTE: This event is currently only open to World Bank Group, IMF, IADB, and other Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) staff.

Jointly sponsored by the WBG Controller and KPMG, this one-day conference brings together leading experts from KPMG for an in-depth discussion on current accounting and finance issues facing the Banking industry. The conference will also feature interactive Q&A sessions during the day with the speakers.

There will be in-depth discussions on new US GAAP, IFRS accounting pronouncements and developments in corporate reporting. Other topics include enhancing the working relationship in the financial reporting supply chain and cyber security.

As in previous years, the conference attracts finance and accounting professionals across the World Bank Group, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank. This conference qualifies for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.

Meeting materials will be available one week before the start of the event under the appropriate tab above.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The World Bank Group Controller and KPMG
Annual Finance and Accounting Conference


Preston Auditorium
May 31, 2017

Topic Facilitator Time
Registration/Breakfast -- 8:30--9:00
Welcome/Introductions Bernard Lauwers, World Bank Group Controller 9:00--9:10
Logistics for the Day Paul Bravery, Emcee
Chief Accountant & Senior Manager of Financial Reporting at IFC
Current Financial Market Update/Trends Jitendra Sharma, Principal Global Head of Risk Consulting and US Financial Services Advisory Leader - KPMG 9:15--10:00
Banking on the Future Kesavan Sampanthar, Executive Director - KPMG Innovation Lab 10:00--10:45
Break/Refreshments -- 10:45--11:00
Accounting and Financial Reporting Topics - FASB Update Paul Munter, Partner, KPMG National Office 11:00--11:45
Audit Update (PCAOB and IAASB Update) Ryan Rominiecki, Senior Manager, KPMG National Office 11:45--12:30
Lunch -- 12:30--1:15

Accounting and Financial Reporting Topics - Financial Instruments Update 

Mike Gaiso, Managing Director, KPMG National Office 1:15--2:00

Accounting and Financial Reporting Topics - CECL

Reza Van Roosmalen, Managing Director, Accounting Change Leader - KPMG

Seong-Kwan Hong, Director, Credit Risk Practice - KPMG

Break/Refreshments -- 2:45--3:00
Regulatory Developments Priya Dayananda, Executive Director - KPMG 3:00--3:45

Trends in Global Tax

Timothy Stiles, Global Head of Public Sector Tax and International Development & Assistance - KPMG

Chris Morgan, Director, Global Tax - KPMG

Operational Risk Management in Banking Glenn Hursh, Managing Director, Operations Risk, KPMG 4:15--4:45
Closing Remarks Zinga Venner, World Bank Manager, Corporate Reporting & Analysis 4:45--5:00

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    Director, Federal Government Affairs
    Priya Dayananda has been the Director of Federal Government Affairs since May 2006. The Office of Government Affairs is responsible for representing KPMG’s interests in all matters of public policy before the Federal and state governments and for assisting non-U.S. practices in achieving their government affairs goals. Dayananda advances the U.S. firm’s public policy agenda by communicating the firm’s priorities and positions to the Administration, Members of Congress, and Regulators. In addition, she works closely with KPMG's Financial Services Practice and various Business Lines in assisting KPMG clients.
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    Partner, Department of Professional Practice - Audit & Advisory
    Paul Munter is a Senior Partner in the Audit Quality and Professional Practice Group with KPMG. He serves as the lead technical partner for the U.S. firm's international accounting and IFRS activities and has served on KPMG's Global IFRS Panel which is responsible for establishing KPMG positions on the application of IFRS. Additionally, he serves as the National Office audit liaison and in this role works closely with the firm's clients and audit engagement teams on accounting and auditing matters.
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    Principal, KPMG LLP
    Jitendra is the Leader of KPMG's Financial Services Advisory Line of Business as well as the Global Leader for Risk Consulting. He brings over 25 years of risk management and capital markets experience. Over the years, he has been the advisor to many leading global and multilateral financial institutions for risk management, governance, strategy, analytics, and infrastructure issues.
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    Executive Director, KPMG LLP
    Kes Sampanthar, Executive Research Director at KPMG's Innovation Lab, is a globally recognized thought leader at the intersection of human experience and technology. His experience spans two decades through the worlds of technology, design, and innovation. Over the last decade, his research into neuroscience, game design, behavioral economics, and paleoanthropology has resulted in a new approach to creating engaging experiences - Motivational Design.
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    Senior Manager, KPMG LLP
    Ryan is a senior manager on rotation in KPMG's Department of Professional Practice (DPP) in New York City. DPP provides technical support to domestic and international operating offices and their clients in addressing and resolving complex accounting, auditing, reporting and SEC related issues. Prior to this rotation, Ryan spent 11 years serving clients in the Washington D.C. market, including the World Bank Group audit.
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    Managing Director, Department of Professional Practice
    Mike is a 26-year accounting professional and has been a member of the KPMG National Office since 2008. He is the Co-leader of National Office - Presentations through which he manages National Office involvement in presentations to clients, targets and the public. During his career, Mike has focused on the technical accounting complexities surrounding: derivatives and hedging, structured finance, consolidation, financial asset impairment, debt vs. equity classification, financial asset transfers, and fair value measurement.
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    Managing Director
    Reza is a member of the Accounting Advisory Services practice within Deal Advisory. He provides technical accounting advice under IFRS and U.S. GAAP. He has played an integral role in some of the firm's most significant engagements and has advised many of their top IFRS clientele. His experience is primarily within the banking and insurance sector including commercial, investment, and retail banking, asset management and financial risk management.
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    Director, KPMG LLP
    Seong-Kwan is a member of the Credit Risk Advisory practice, specializing in financial instrument accounting, software implementations, credit loss modeling, and finance function transformation for global financial institutions. He is a director in KPMG's Advisory Services practice with more than 17 years of experience in accounting and finance functions, including leadership roles at financial institutions and consulting for financial instruments. He successfully led large financial systems transformations and finance department reorganizations during times of changing business, accounting, and regulatory environments. His area of focus is accounting for financial instruments, with an emphasis on IFRS 9 and CECL. Prior to KPMG he was the accounting officer responsible for Loan and Allowance accounting at Fannie Mae.
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    Partner, KPMG
    Timothy is the Global Chair of KPMG's International Development Assistance Services (IDAS) Practice and has responsibility for the global delivery of KPMG's services to organizations operating in the development sector. He is located in the firm's New York office. In addition to his IDAS responsibilities, he is also the National Practice Leader of KPMG's Development and Exempt Organizations (DEO) practice, is the chair of the KPMG Global Public Sector Tax steering committee, and serves as the Global Executive Partner for the United Nations.
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    Head of Global Tax Policy
    Chris became Head of Tax Policy for KPMG UK in 2011. In this role he was a regular commentator in the press, as well as on radio and TV, led discussions on various representations with HMRC/HMT and also formulated and advised on the introduction of a business tax law for a foreign government. In 2014 Chris spearheaded KPMG UK's Responsible Tax for the Common Good initiative. In September 2016 Chris took on the role of Head of Global Tax Policy.
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    Managing Director
    Glenn is a Managing Director in KPMG LLP's Financial Services Risk Consulting practice in the Pittsburgh office. Glenn has over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, including 12 years in industry serving in various management and senior management positions in internal audit and regulatory compliance. Glenn also has over 13 years of experience providing enterprise risk management assessment, internal audit outsourcing and risk consulting services to several regional and super-regional financial institutions.

Course Name: The World Bank Group Controller and KPMG Annual Financial and Accounting Conference

Course Date/Time: May 31, 2017, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Course Location: The World Bank, Preston Auditorium: 1818 H St NW, Washington, D.C.

Learning Objectives: After attending this course, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the current financial services industry including changes within the banking industry and trends seen in the market
  • Identify issues, challenges and opportunities within the financial services industry
  • Define and apply the key issues in the current market
  • Determine the effects of regulatory decisions on the financial services industry
  • Understand recently issued ASU Topics
  • Identify the imapct of FASB standard on hedge accounting
  • Describe updates from PCAOB inspections and standards
  • Describe some of the key things that impact Integrated Reporting
  • Apply global audit insights into everyday workload
  • Apply best practices in Cyber Security
  • Discuss recent developments with IFRS and the latest standards being discussed, including revenue recognition and lease accounting

Target Audience: This course is designed for and currently open only to World Bank Group, IMF, IADB and other MDB staff.

Program Description: Jointly sponsored by the WBG Controller and KPMG, this one-day conference brings together leading experts from KPMG for an in-depth discussion on current accounting and finance issues facing the Banking industry. The conference will also feature interactive Q&A sessions during the day between the audience and the presenters. This will be an in-depth discussion on US GAAP and IFRS accounting pronouncements as well as a discussion on the International Integrated Reporting Framework. As in previous years, the conference attracts finance and accounting professionals across the World Bank Group, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank. This conference qualifies for Continuing Professional Education credits. Meeting materials will be available one week before the start of the event. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided. 

NASBA Instructional Delivery Method: Group live (classroom/lecture)

Estimated CPE Credit: This course is worth approximately 7 credits.

Prerequisites: None required

Advance Preparation: None required

Program Level: Update - Learning activity level that provides a general review of new developments. This level is for participants with a background in the subject area who desire to keep current.

KPMG Accommodations Statement: KPMG provides reasonable accommodations to individuals who request such accommodations to participate in training. Individuals requesting such an accommodation(s) should contact your local HR professional at least two weeks prior to the start date of the program.

Course Registration Requirements: Please register at the link provided in the Registration tab above.

Refund/Cancellation Policy: There is no refund available for this course. Penalty assessed for any no-show.

Complaint Resolution Policy: Any questions about or issues with this course may be emailed to the Local Office Training Program Coordinator, Candice Brinkman, at

Official NASABA CPE Sponsor Statement: KPMG is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final Authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Website:

The World Bank Group Controller and KPMG Annual Finance and Accounting Conference will be held at the World Bank Group Headquarters in Washington DC on May 31, 2017.

To register, please select the applicable link below:

World Bank Group Staff Registration (OLC)

Registration is FREE for World Bank Group staff who sign up by May 24, 2017. Charges will apply after that date, as noted below:

Late registration (after May 24, 2017) $200
Late cancellation (after May 26, 2017) $200
No show $200


IMF and IADB Staff Registration

Conference Fee:

The fee for participation for IMF and IADB staff is US$200 per person. This fee applies to participation in all sessions, lunch, and refreshment breaks. The fee does not include travel or accommodation expenses, which should be planned by each participant. To secure your place at this conference, kindly follow the relevant payment instructions below after registering to attend the conference.

Charges will apply for all registrants in the following circumstances:

Late registration (after May 24, 2017) $200
Late cancellation (after May 26, 2017) $200
No show $200

For any specific questions about the event, please contact:

  • When: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Where: The World Bank, Preston Auditorium: 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC
  • Who: This event is currently open only to World Bank Group, IMF, IADB, and other MDB staff.
