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From Panic and Neglect to Building Global Health Security: Investing in Pandemic Preparedness at a National Level
May 25, 2017Intercontinental Hotel, Geneva: 7:45AM-9:30AM

At the 70th World Health Assembly, join us for an informative and lively panel discussion as the International Working Group (IWG) on Financing Preparedness presents and discusses its recommendations on ensuring sustainable funding for the first line of defense against pandemics: prevention, identification and containment of infectious disease outbreaks at a national level.

The IWG was set up following a series of reports in the aftermath of the Ebola crisis, all of which recommended the need to strengthen and scale up investments in global health security as an urgent priority. The IWG seeks to propose ways in which national governments and development partners can effectively and sustainably finance investments to strengthen country and regional preparedness capacities for health emergencies.

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Report: From Panic and Neglect to Investing in Health Security: Financing Pandemic Preparedness at a National Level


Press Release: After Ebola and Zika, Most Countries Still Not Prepared for a Pandemic

New York Times: Only Six Nations Have Evaluated Readiness for Global Pandemic

CNBC: If a new pandemic hits, most countries aren't ready: World Bank group

Thomson Reuters Foundation: World Bank says nations ill-prepared to battle pandemic diseases

