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Reducing Human Wildlife Conflict And Enhancing Coexistence
April 3-7, 2017La Lope and Libreville, Gabon

The World Bank and its Global Wildlife Program are organizing a conference co-hosted by the Government of Gabon on reducing human wildlife conflict since this is a pertinent issue for the future of Gabon’s elephants and rural economy.

Human wildlife conflict (HWC) is a serious threat to the survival of many endangered species and the security and sustainability of community livelihoods. Some of the drivers behind the escalation of HWC include human population growth, change in land use, habitat loss and fragmentation, and weak governance of and increasing demand for natural resources.

The Government of Gabon (ANPN) is implementing the Wildlife and Human-Elephant Conflict Management Project through a grant from the GEF as part of the Global Wildlife Program (GWP). The Government of Gabon is hosting a conference in Gabon on reducing human wildlife conflict since this is a pertinent issue for the future of Gabon’s elephants and rural economy. The World Bank and the GWP team would co-host this conference to ensure that the lessons learned from this knowledge exchange have a wider outreach.  

Since many of the GWP projects are tackling this issue at site level, this conference is designed to provide a better understanding of the different approaches and solutions to manage conflict and help project teams design concrete interventions to reduce HWC. The conference will use successful case studies and illustrate best practices from countries that have implemented measures specific to conflict species (elephants, big cats, primates, etc.) and provide an overview of tools and techniques that can help mitigate HWC across Africa and Asia. 

This event is by invitation only. 

This event is by invitation only


DAY 1: Monday, April 3, 2017

1500 – 1600: Welcome, Introductions and Overview of the Agenda


  • Prof. Lee White, Executive Secretary, Gabonese National Parks Service
  • Dr. Claudia Sobrevila, Global Wildlife Program (GWP) Manager, WBG
  • Dr. Jaime Cavelier, Senior Biodiversity Specialist, GEF
  • Mr. Paul Harrison, UNDP GWP Focal Point

MC: Elisson Wright, Senior Program Coordinator, Global Wildlife Program, World Bank

1600 – 1630: Strategy and innovative solutions for improving human-wildlife coexistence

Presenter: Dr. Sebastien LE BEL, Researcher, CIRAD

1630 – 1800: Panel Session 1: Understanding Human Wildlife Conflict (HWC)

This session will define key HWC concepts and provide an overview of the drivers leading to increased HWC. Presentations will include lessons learned, examples from different species and countries, and the social dimension of the problem. 

Moderator: Dr. Alexandra Zimmermann, Chair, IUCN Species Survival Commission Task Force on HWC


  • Dr. Amy Dickman, Research Fellow, WildCRU
  • Mr. Omer Ntougou, Executive Secretary, RAPAC
  • Dr. Solomon Mombeshora, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies, Women’s University in Africa

DAY 2: Tuesday, April 4, 2017

0900 – 1030: Breakout session

Explore issues from Dr. LE BEL’s presentation and panel session 1 in more detail and engage directly with experts to discuss potential approaches and techniques to integrate into national GWP projects. Governments will also introduce their project interventions to experts who will provide feedback.       

1100 – 1230: Panel Session 2: Understanding the multi-dimensional issues related to Human elephant conflict (HEC)

This session will focus on HWC land use strategies and policies specific to elephants, and will present the root causes that are contributing to increases in HEC incidents. It will highlight opportunities in the upstream planning processes and geospatial considerations across countries in Asia/Africa.

Moderator: Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya, Federation of Environmental Organizations, Sri Lanka


  • Dr. Alexandra Zimmermann, Chair, IUCN Species  Survival Commission Task Force on HWC
  • Dr. Tchamba  Martin, General Engineer of Water, Forests and Hunting Head of Department of Forestry, Cameroon
  • Mr. Mihindou Mbina Augustin, DGFC / DGFP Focal Point, Ministry of Forests (jointly with Ms. Aimee Mekui, DGA FAP)

1330 – 1530: Panel Session 3: Leveraging decision support tools and techniques to assess HWC issues

This session will continue the themes introduced in the prior session and highlight tools and techniques that are used to assess HWC issues. Session will provide an overview of the FAO HWC toolkit, use of cost-benefit analysis, and planning resources used to facilitate national and regional planning that can minimize potential for HWC.

Moderator: Ms. Nathalie NYARE, Conseiller Ministre de la Foret


  • Ms. Ilama Lena, Responsible for Forests, FAO
  • Mr. Rob Ament, Senior Conservationist at The Center for Large Landscape Conservation; Road Ecology Program Manager at Montana State University
  • Ms. Martha Bechem, CITES MIKE Sub regional Support Officer for Central and West Africa (TBC)

1600 – 1800: Breakout session

Explore panel session three topics in more detail and engage directly with experts to discuss potential approaches and techniques to integrate into national projects.

DAY 3: Wednesday, April 5, 2017

0900 – 1030: Panel Session 4: Mitigation approaches to reduce HWC

This session will focus on the various preventive and mitigation techniques used worldwide to reduce HWC

Moderator: Mr. Jean Claude Nguinguiri, FAO


  • Dr. Richard Hoare, Conservation Manager: African Bush Camps Foundation/Co-chair of IUCN AfESG/HECWG
  • Mr. Steeve Ngama, Research Associate, IRAF
  • Mr. Martin Hega, WCS Gabon
  • Mr. Roger Azizet, Head of Service Peripheral Zones, ANPN, Government of Gabon

1100 – 1230: Panel Session 5: Financial instruments and alternative livelihoods that promote co-existence

This session will focus on livelihood opportunities for communities that are affected by conflict animals. Session will provide an overview on insurance schemes, compensation schemes and incentive programs

Moderator:  Mr. Paul Harrison, UNDP GWP Focal Point


  • Dr. Amy Dickman, Research Fellow, WildCRU
  • Dr. Shafqat Hussain, Founder, Project Snow Leopard
  • Mr. John Kasaona, Executive Director, IRDNC

1330 – 1530: Breakout session 3

Explore panel session 4 and 5 topics in more detail and engage directly with experts to discuss potential approaches and techniques to integrate into national projects.

1600 – 1800: Role Play a HWC Case Study

An interactive session where participants will play the role of stakeholders involved in a HWC and come up with a solution in a HWC court

Facilitator: Dr. Sebastien Le BEL, Researcher, CIRAD

Day 4: Thursday, April 6, 2017

0900 – 1230: Field visit to see sample mitigation approaches currently being adopted around la Lopé

Day 5: Friday, April 7, 2017

0900 – 1200: High level Event with the Ministers and other Dignitaries and GWP Conference Wrap Up

1200 – 1300: Formal Launch of the GWP Gabon Project

1300 – 1500: Conference Closing 

