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Workshop: Sampling and Weighting for Surveys
February 20-24, 2017Almaty, Kazakhstan

The World Bank is conducting a workshop geared towards statistical-practitioners involved in sample design from the national statistics offices of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Official household surveys are important sources of information: they support policy and decision-making for a wide range of government programs. The uses of household survey data are broad, from monitoring the well-being of the population and the effectiveness of programs, to conducting micro-impact assessments of various economic events and policy measures. Good quality survey data is essential, therefore, for a number of government objectives.

The benefits of survey data depend on the quality of the survey itself. Good quality survey data is attained through sound sampling and weighting strategies which are implemented during the design stage. The official statistical offices of Central Asian countries are constantly seeking ways to improve their methodology for sample design and estimating sample weights.

In response to this increased demand for knowledge, the World Bank, in cooperation with national statistical offices in Central Asia, has organized a hands-on workshop for survey sampling and weighting.

The objective of the workshop is to promote a better understanding of sample design and weighting methods for household surveys and strengthening its practical application. The workshop will help the statistics offices improve data quality by reducing statistical bias from non-response.The workshop features both theoretical concepts and practical implementation of methods using statistical software.

This event is geared towards statistical-practitioners involved in sample design from the national statistics offices of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The regional event will not only serve as a training workshop, but will allow for close interaction and experience-sharing among statistical offices, and thereby building bilateral connections for knowledge exchange moving forward.


Trainers: Kristen Himelein, Senior Economist/Statistician, the World Bank; Sasun Tsirunyan, Statistician/Programming Specialist, Consultant

Facilitators: Saida Ismailakhunova, Economist, the World Bank; Alisher Rajabov, Economist, the World Bank


Pick up from the hotel: 8:30 am

Morning sessions are from 9:00 am - 10:45 am and 11:00-12:30 pm

Afternoon sessions are from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm and 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Pick up from the World Bank office: 5:15 pm

Coffee: 10:45 am – 11:00 am and 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm, Friuli Restaurant, Ground Floor

Translation: Simultaneous Russian – English translation is provided

Requirements: Laptop (at least 1 per delegation); Dataset (household survey data or labor force data from own country)


Daily Training  

Monday, February 20th:          SAMPLING REVIEW

Morning                     Review of sampling concepts as related to sample design and weighting (2 sessions)

Afternoon                   Presentations by Country Teams on their sampling design – including selection, listing, cross-section / panel design, replacement, attrition, etc.

Tuesday, February 21st:          DETERMINING THE IMPACT OF ATTRICTION

Morning                     Exercises with mock dataset

Afternoon                   Work with country data

Wednesday, February 22nd:   ADDRESSING ATTRITION

Morning                     Advanced weight calculation including adjusting for attrition and post-stratification.  Exercises with mock dataset.

Afternoon                   Preventing attrition (lessons from fieldwork); brainstorming of Country Project

Thursday, February 23rd:        COUNTRY PROJECTS

All Day                       Work on Country Projects (Assisted by trainers)

Friday, February 24th:  PRESENTATIONS AND WRAP-UP

Morning                     Presentations of Country Projects

Afternoon                   One-on-one consultation sessions with trainers

  • Venue: World Bank Central Asia Regional Office, 41A Kazybek bi Street, 4th floor, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Contact: +7 (727) 377 8220
