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e-Procurement Forum, Berlin
Moving Forward with E-Procurement
December 13-15, 2016Berlin, Germany

Co-hosted by the World Bank and EBRD in Berlin, this Forum will be an opportunity for the public procurement agencies from participating countries to share their latest experiences and practices in e-procurement, and explore ways of regional cooperation in e-procurement implementation, transparency and efficiency.

The World Bank is proud to host an e-Procurement Forum jointly with EBRD in Berlin from December 13-15, 2016. The theme of the Forum is “Moving Forward with E-Procurement”.

The main objective of the Forum is to provide an opportunity to public procurement agencies from participating countries in the Europe and Central Asia Region to share their latest experiences and practices in E-Procurement. The Forum will also give participants the opportunity to explore ways and means of regional cooperation in this area and to seek active involvement of international and bilateral donors in the efforts of the governments to further improve E-Procurement implementation as well as transparency, economy and efficiency aspects of public expenditure.

The theme of the Forum revolves around five main topics of discussion:

  • Follow up on the 2015 e-Procurement Forum in Vienna/Data and Indicators;
  • Institutional Framework for e-Procurement;
  • Using E-Procurement for Central Purchasing;
  • Costs savings and other economic benefits; and
  • Moving forward with e-procurement in each participating country.

On the last day of the forum, two e-Procurement tools created by the World Bank will be showcased.

The Rapid e-Procurement Toolkit and the Online Learning Course were created to assist in the building of an e-procurement system and developing the capacity of procurement professionals.

In addition, the participating countries will also have an opportunity to engage in individual discussions with donors and international organizations in order to express their needs regarding E-Procurement and related financing solutions.


For more information, please check the logistics brochure and/or send an email to and




Knowledge Sharing: e-Procurement COP

Forum details
  • When: December 13-15, 2016
  • Where: Marriott Berlin Hotel, Berlin, Germany
  • Working language: English/Russian. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
