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Measuring Early Childhood Development in Latin America
September 20-22, 2016Lima, Peru

Early childhood development continues to be a major challenge. While child mortality and malnutrition have been reduced in most countries, progress has been slower in other aspects of child development, such as cognitive, language, socio-emotional, and motor skills development. The global community is committed to improving early childhood development, which is one of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. What is lacking is a consensus on how to measure child development at scale and especially for the youngest children.

The World Bank, in partnership with the Inter-American Dialogue and the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), organized a workshop to advance the measurement agenda and build consensus in Latin America on the issue. The workshop gave participants the opportunity to share experiences in the region and to consider recent international measurement initiatives by the hand of experts from the University of Harvard, Nebraska, and Stanford. The workshop was attended by 52 participants from nine different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay), from the Ministry of Education, Social Protection and Health, the Presidential Advisory Council on Early Childhood, Universities, NGOs and other international agencies.

Core Materials

Agenda (English)

Agenda (Spanish)


Measuring Child Development: What, When and How

Abbie Raikes (University of Nebraska and Coordinator of project Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes, MELQO)


International initiatives for the measurement of child development (Part I)

Dana Charles McCoy (Harvard University): The ‘Caregiver-Reported Early Development Instrument’ (CREDI)

Abbie Raikes (University of Nebraska): Generating a measurement tool with global applicability: The experience of the Measuring Early Learning and Quality Outcomes (MELQO) project

Ann Weber (Stanford University): Construction and validation of the D-Score as a measurement of child development

Santiago Cueto (GRADE): Generating a measuring tool in Latin America: The experience of the Regional Project on Child Development Indicators (PRIDI) | (Spanish)


International initiatives for the measurement of child development (Part II)

Daniel Santos (University of Sao Paulo): The Early Human Capability Index (EHCI) and its adaptation to the case of Brazil

Juan Leon (GRADE): The Early Development Instrument (EDI) and its implementation in Peru

Maria Elena Ubeda (UNICEF): Early Childhood Development Index (ECDI) - The experience with MICS in Latin America

Antonio Rizzoli (Federico Gómez Hospital): The Child Development Evaluation (CDE) Test and its application in Mexico


Comparing instruments

Caridad Araujo and Marta Rubio (Inter-American Development Bank): Concurrent and predictive validity of abbreviated tests of child development: Lessons from Colombia and Ecuador


Longitudinal surveys in Latin America: Lessons learned about the measurement of child development outcomes

Gonzalo Salas (University of the Republic, Uruguay): The Uruguay Child Development and Health Survey (ENDIS)

Lina María Castaño (Director of the ELCA): The Colombian Longitudinal Survey of University of the Andes

David Bravo (Catholic University of Chile): The experience of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey (ELPI)

  • DATE: September 20-22, 2016
  • LOCATION: Lima, Peru
