The Africa Innovate DC Series May event brings together un-conventional, trending, and mold-breaking business owners to discuss scalable business models and innovative ideas.
Beyond the traditional industries that are generally tackled during development gatherings, non-traditional businesses are making an impact in development and can be considered equally as tools for shared prosperity and poverty reduction. Through a dynamic and engaging format that combines formal presentation with crowd-driven discussions, participants are invited to critically think about approaches to some of the most pressing problems faced by young African entrepreneurs.
The monthly Africa Innovate DC Series showcases successes, challenges, and stories from African entrepreneurs, innovators, businesses and startups on the continent or in the diaspora, and is supported by the World Bank Africa Region and the World Bank Group-IMF Young African Society (YAS). This event is also part of the World Bank Africa Region’s Youth Transforming Africa initiative.
The World Bank Group-IMF Staff Young African Society (YAS)
YAS advocates for, and engineers, solutions to the challenges young Africans are facing on the continent and in the diaspora. YAS’ strategic focus this year is on job creation and entrepreneurship, of which its monthly flagship program is the Africa Innovate DC Series.
Youth Transforming Africa (YTA)
YTA is a program within the Africa Region Communications and Partnerships (AFREC). It aims to develop a conversation with African youth about development issues in the continent, and also use sport, music and social media to convey messages. The pillars of this program are linked to regional priorities, and will focus on entrepreneurship, social inclusion, education and health.