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Policymaker Summit: Evidence and Prospects for a Healthy Nigeria
March 30-31, 2016Abuja, Nigeria

The Policymaker Summit: Evidence and Prospects for a Healthy Nigeria is a two-day forum (to be held on March 30-31, 2016) presenting recent evidence from five health sector Impact Evaluations. The research was implemented with technical assistance from the World Bank. The summit and three of the Impact Evaluations to be presented are generously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with funding support also provided by the Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund and the Government of Japan for specific activities. The objectives of the event are to:

·       Present evidence from five Impact Evaluations, including on topics covering maternal and child health, primary healthcare service delivery, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, and prevention and treatment of malaria;

·       Stimulate discussion on the implications of this evidence for health policy; and

·       Strengthen partnerships for future Impact Evaluation knowledge creation in the health sector in Nigeria.

This event will be delivered under the Nigeria Impact Evaluation Community of Practice (CoP), a forum composed of stakeholders from civil society, the government, the private sector, and other development partners promoting evidence-informed policy and building a culture of results. The CoP was co-founded by the Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria (HERFON) and the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) of the World Bank Group.

Day 1 of the event will feature presentations on results from the five Impact Evaluations, followed by a policymaker roundtable discussion. Day 2 will be built around small group discussions on the use of impact evaluation operational research to answer the next generation of health policy and program design questions.


Last Updated: Feb 24, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Presentation of Results and Roundtable Discussion


Registration and Coffee

9:00-9:15 am

Opening Remarks
Dr. Sateh Chafic El-Arnaout, Acting Country Director, World Bank, Nigeria

9:15-9:30 am

Inauguration of Policymaker Summit by the Honorable Federal Minister of Health, NigeriaProf. Issac Folorunso Adewole, Federal Minister of Health, Nigeria

9:30-9:45 am

Overview of Health Impact Evaluations in Nigeria
Marcus Holmlund, Economist, DIME, World Bank Group

9:45-10:30 am

SURE-P Maternal and Child Health Impact Evaluation: (i)  the effect of monetary and non-monetary incentives on midwife attrition and (ii) overall program impact
Dr. Pedro Rosa Dias, Associate Professor, Imperial College London

10:30-11:00 am

Quality Improvement and Clinical Governance Initiative Impact Evaluation
Dr. David Evans, Senior Economist, Africa Regional Office, World Bank Group & Ezinne Eze-Ajoku, Johns Hopkins University

11:00-11:15 am

Coffee Break

11:15-11:45 am

Malaria Control Booster Project Impact Evaluation
Marcus Holmlund, Economist, DIME, World Bank Group

11:45-12:15 pm

Shuga, Dramatic Evaluation of an MTV Series 
Victor Orozco, Economist, DIME, World Bank Group



1:15-3:15 pm

Policy Roundtable
Moderator: Dr. Mohammed Lecky (Commissioner of Election Commission, Govt of Nigeria) and Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu (Editor of NG Health Watch)

Panelists: Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Minister of State for Health, Federal Ministry of Health; Senator Dr. Lanre Tejuoso, Chair of the Senate Committee on Health, National Assembly; Dr. Ado Jimada Gana Muhammad, Executive Director, NPHCDA; Dr. Benjamin Loevinsohn, Lead Health Specialist, World Bank Nigeria Country Office; 

3:15-3:35 pm

Question and Answer

3:35-3:55 pm

Concluding Remarks: Nigeria Perspective
Dr. Ayodeji Oluwole Odutolu, Senior Health Specialist, World Bank Group

3:55-4:10 pm

Closing Remarks
Dr. Emmanuel Abanida, Exec. Secretary of HERFON

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Impact Evaluation and the Next Generation of Health Policy Questions


Registration and Coffee


Impact Evaluation: An Overview
Dr. David Evans, Senior Economist, World Bank Group


Roundtable Discussion
Future Projects and the Potential to Incorporate Impact Evaluations




Presentations on Research Ideas | Voting and Awarding – Best Research Idea


Concluding Remarks
Dr. Ngozi Azodoh, Director of Health Planning, Research and Statistics, Federal Ministry of Health


Closing Remarks
Marcus Holmlund, Economist, DIME, World Bank Group 


Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

  • Subsidy-Reinvestment and Empowerment Program: Maternal and Child Health Project (SURE-P MCH)
    The Subsidy-Reinvestment and Empowerment Program: Maternal and Child Health Project (SURE-P MCH) aimed to dramatically reduce maternal and child mortality through a large push to increase human resources capacity (midwives, community health extension workers, and village health workers) in underserved areas, and a conditional cash transfer and other demand promotion schemes to encourage pregnant women to seek pre- and post-natal care and skilled birth delivery. The SURE-P MCH Impact Evaluation tests (i) the effectiveness of alternative monetary and nonmonetary incentive regimes to reduce midwife attrition; and (ii) the overall effectiveness of the SURE-P MCH. The Impact Evaluation is based on activities implemented in 500 primary health care facilities across Nigeria.
  • Quality Improvement and Clinical Governance Initiative (QI-CGI)
    The Quality Improvement and Clinical Governance Initiative (QI-CGI) pilots quality improvement packages as part of the Saving One Million Lives Initiative. The goal is to substantially improve healthcare quality in primary healthcare centers. The project included an Impact Evaluation to test the effectiveness of consulting services administered by the service provider PharmAccess (SafeCare). SafeCare visited health facilities and offered a baseline quality assessment to go along with the creation of an actionable quality improvement plan for each clinic and extended support for a portion of the target group to ensure implementation of a quality improvement plan. The Impact Evaluation takes place in 80 SURE-P facilities in six states (Anambra, Bauchi, Ekiti, Kebbi, Cross River, Niger).
  • Malaria Control Booster Project (MCBP)
    The Malaria Control Booster Project (MCBP) introduced two interventions to increase the reach of public sector health services. In the first—the so-called Community-Directed Intervention (CDI) approach—volunteers were selected from communities and trained on malaria prevention and home treatment to serve their relatives and neighbors. In the second, Patent Medicine Vendors (PMVs) were trained on diagnostic procedures and the sale of subsidized high-quality antimalarial drugs with the right dosage. The Impact Evaluation studies the effectiveness of the CDI and PMV interventions in reducing malaria cases and improving diagnosis and treatment, through household behavior change and better access to advice and appropriate treatment. This work is carried out in two states, Anambra in the south and Gombe in the north.
  • Shuga
    Shuga is a TV drama targeted at youth that aims to change social norms and behavior related to high-risk sexual behavior and gender-based violence. The Impact Evaluation of Shuga aims to assess the impact of the TV drama on urban and peri-urban viewers’ knowledge, attitudes and risky sexual behavior, and measure spillover effects on peers.

Event Details
  • Date: March 30-31, 2016
  • Location: Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Registration: Closed
  • Contact:
