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Central Asia Launch of World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends
February 17, 2016Almaty, Kazakhstan

The World Bank and Kazakh-British University are organizing the presentation of the 2016 World Development Report (WDR): Digital Dividends, which will take place on February 17, 2016, in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The WDR is the World Bank's most important analytical publication and has been published annually since 1979. Each year it focuses on a contemporary topic of interest to the broader development community—this year’s Report aims to expand our understanding of the impact of digital technologies on the lives of poor people in developing countries.

The WDR 2016 documents many profound and transformational effects of digital technologies. While the internet, mobile phones and other digital technologies are spreading rapidly throughout the developing world, the anticipated digital dividends of higher growth, more jobs, and better public services have fallen short of expectations, and 60 percent of the world’s population remains excluded from the ever-expanding digital economy.

For digital technologies to benefit everyone everywhere requires closing the remaining digital divide. But greater digital adoption will not be enough. The WDR 2016 argues that to get the most out of the digital revolution, countries also need to work on the “analog complements”—by strengthening regulations that enable firms to connect and compete, by adapting workers’ skills to the demands of the new economy, and by ensuring that institutions are accountable.

Digital technologies can transform our economies, societies and public institutions, but these changes are neither assured nor automatic. Countries that are investing in both digital technology and its analog complements will reap significant dividends, while others are likely to fall behind. Technology without a strong foundation risks creating divergent economic fortunes, higher inequality and an intrusive state.

February 17, 2016, 09:00–12:30

Regional Launch of 2016 World Development Report “Digital Dividends”

8:30– 09:00

Welcome Coffee and Registration

09:00 – 10:00

Opening remarks

H.E Asset Issekeshev, Minister of Investment and Development, Kazakhstan

H.E Abdul Razaq Vahidi, Minister of Communications and Information Technologies, Afghanistan

Iskander Beisembetov, Rector, KBTU Business School

Christos Kostopoulos, Lead Economist, World Bank

10:00 – 10:30

Launch of the World Bank WDR Report 2016

Zahid Hasnain, Senior Public Sector Specialist, WDR-2016 author, World Bank

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 – 11:20

Country Perspectives on  2016 WDR on Digital Dividends

Moderator: Juan Navas-Sabater, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank


Representative from Afghanistan:

H.E Prof. M.H. Qayoumi, Chief Advisor to President of Afghanistan

Representative from Kazakhstan

Bikesh Kurmangalieva, Chair of the Board, Zerde

Representative from Kyrgyz Republic:

Talai Baiterekov, Director, E-Government Center

Representative from Tajikistan (TBD)

Representative from Uzbekistan (TBD)

11:20 – 12:15

Panel Discussion: Digital Dividends- Potential impact on Productivity, Jobs, Accountability and Service Delivery  (with Q&A)

Moderator: Ewan Simpson, Dean of KBTU Business School


Zahid Hasnain, Senior Public Sector Specialist, WDR-2016 author, World Bank

Yuri Loktionov, Vice-Rector for Graduated and International Programs, KBTU Business School

Tiziana Bonapace, Head of UNESCAP Almaty Office

Andrei Beklemishev, Regional Manager, International Data Corporation

12:15 – 12:30

Closing Remarks: Juan Navas-Sabater, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank


The World Bank Group cordially invites you to a Central Asia regional launch of the newly released:

2016 World Development Report “Digital Dividends”

WHEN: Wednesday, February 17, 2016, From 09:00 to 12:30 AM

WHERE: Conference hall of the Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU), 59 Tole bi str., ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN

Mass media are invited to the CA regional launch of the World Development Report (WDR) - the World Bank's most important analytical publication that has been published annually since 1979. Each year it focuses on a contemporary topic of interest to the broader development community. The 2016 Report aims to expand the understanding of the impact of digital technologies on the lives of poor people in developing countries.

The panel of the world-renowned experts in public policy and technology, representatives of academia and the development community, will share their views on how to rapidly and sustainably deliver digital dividends to everyone including those at the bottom of the global income distribution. The participants from the region of Central and South Asia will share their perspectives and ideas, as well as plans for joint efforts.

ACCREDITATION by February 16, 2016 to the contacts below:

Shynar Jetpissova – email: 

Oxana Barysheva – email: 

  • When: February 17, 2016, 09:00–12:30
  • Where: Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, 59 Tole bi str.
