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From Afganistan to Zambia: What Development Cooperation After 2015?
January 21, 2016Warsaw

The Conference is organised in the framework of the European Year for Development. It will discuss the international development cooperation, in particular - its possible changes after 2015, as well as the current state and prospects of the development policy of the European Union – the largest donor.

The Conference, organised in the framework of the European Year for Development, is devoted to the international development cooperation, and in particular to its possible changes after 2015.

The Millennium Declaration adopted in 2000, being a form of an international community’s commitment regarding the development cooperation and global partnership between developed and developing countries, is a unique example of international cooperation. The year 2015 — deadline for reaching the Millennium Development Goals — stimulated the discussion to assess past effects of development cooperation, its evolution since the early 2000s, and to define new principles underpinning development cooperation from now on.

This is also the right time to start a debate on the current state and prospects of the development policy of the European Union – the largest donor, as well as countries such as Poland which, despite a number of their own economic challenges, are increasingly active speakers in the international debate on development cooperation.

08:45-9:45           Registration

09:45-10:00         Welcome speeches (Rev. Maciej Bała, Associate Professor at UKSW, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, dr Marzenna Guz-Vetter, Head of the EC Representation in Poland)

10:00-11:35         Panel 1: Prospects of development cooperation in the 21st-century (Joanna Wronecka, MFA Undersecretary of State, Marina Wes, Representative of the World Bank in Poland, Mariola Ratschka, UNIC Officer)

11:35-11:50         Speech by Marjeta Jager, Deputy Director General, European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development

11:50-12:15         Coffee break

12:15-13:50         Panel 2: The European Union and Poland towards international development cooperation (Carlos Antonio Teixeria, EC Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, Jan Hofmokl Deputy Head of Development Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jan Szczyciński, UNDP, Jan Bazyl, Director of the NGO platform Grupa Zagranica, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Gąsowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University)

13:50-14:10         Summary of the first part

14:10-15:10         Lunch break

15:10-16:50         Open academic panels

16: 50-17: 00       Conclusions
