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8th International Conference on Migration and Development
June 8-9, 2015World Bank Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

The 8th annual migration conference will investigate how international migration affects economic and social change in developing countries. Topics include the effects of migration on poverty, inequality, and human capital formation; social networks and migration; diaspora externalities; remittances; brain drain; migration and institutional/technological change.

Development can be described as the search for a better life. This is also the main goal of migrants as they cross international borders to earn higher income, find a more secure and fulfilling job, provide better education opportunities for theirchildren and protect their families from exposure to a range of risks. The close linkages between migration and development have been the focus of increased attention among academics, policymakers and analysts over the last decade. And these are the issues that the 8th Migration and Development Conference will aim to address.

The World Bank Development Research Group (DECRG), jointly with the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Center for Global Development (CGD) is organizing the 8th International Conference on “Migration and Development”. The conference is devoted to investigating ways in which international migration affects economic and social change in developing countries. Among the topics are the effects of migration on poverty, inequality, and human capital formation; social networks and migration; diaspora externalities; remittances; brain drain; migration and institutional/technological change. A selection of papers from the conference will be forthcoming in a special issue of The World Bank Economic Review.

Keynote Speakers
Ran Abramitzky, Stanford University
Dani Rodrik, Institute for Advanced Study

Cyrille Bellier (French Development Agency)
Michael Clemens (Center for Global Development)
Çağlar Özden (World Bank)
Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics)



Last Updated: Jun 03, 2015

8th Migration and Development Conference

World Bank, Washington, DC
June 8-9, 2015
Venue: Main Complex, MC 13-121


Monday, June 8 (Day 1) 

8:30 – 9:00


9:00 – 9:30

Opening Session (MC13-121)


Çağlar Özden, Lead Economist, DECRG, World Bank
Cyrille Bellier, Head of the Economic and Social Research Unit, Agence Française de Développement
Michael Clemens, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Opening Remarks:
Kaushik Basu, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, World Bank

9:30 – 10:30

Keynote Lecture 1: Migration and Inequality: Is the Nation State the Enemy of Global Equality?
Watch via Live Stream

Speaker: Dani Rodrik (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Chair: Kaushik Basu (World Bank)

10:30 – 11:30 Coffee Break

11:00 – 13:00

Parallel Session 1A: Immigration Policy and Migration Costs
Chair: Hein de Haas (Oxford)

Parallel Session 1B: Economic History of Migration
Chair: Ran Abramitzky (Stanford)


Fenced Out: Why Rising Migration Costs Matter
Benjamin Feigenberg (UIC)
Discussant: Paolo Abarcar (Michigan)

Risk Attitudess and Household Migration Decisions
Luigi Minale (UCL) with Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fassani, and Xin Meng
Discussant: Kate Ambler (IFPRI)

Banned from the Band: The Effect of Migration Barriers on Origin-Country Labor Market Decisions
Caroline Theoharides (Amherst College)
Discussant: Adriana Kugler (Georgetown)

Emigration and Political Power: Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration 
Mounir Karadja (Stockholm University) with Erik Prawitz
Discussant: Jackline Wahba (Southampton)

The Dynamics of Mass Migration: Estimating the Effect of Income Differences on Migration in a Dynamic Model of Discrete Choice with Diffusion
Yannay Spitzer (Brown University)
Discussant: Erhan Artuc (World Bank)

Birds of Passage: Return Migration, Self-Selection & Immigration Quotas
Zachary Ward (Australian National University)
Discussant: Ran Abramitzky (Stanford)

13:00 – 14:15


14:15 – 16:15

Parallel Session 2A: Migration and Trade
Chair: Michael Clemens (CDG)

Parallel Session 2B: Global Perspectives on Migration and Development
Chair: Dean Yang (Michigan)


Heterogeneous Technology Diffusion and Ricardian Trade Patterns
William Kerr (Harvard Business School)
Discussant: Ariell Reshef(University of Virginia)

Migration and Cross-Border Financial Flows 
Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics) with Maurice Kugler and Oren Levintal
Discussant: Dany Bahar (IDB)

The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Internal Mobility: Evidence from China
Anna-Maria Mayda (Georgetown) 
Discussant: Michael Clemens (CGD)

May I Leave the House? Return Migration and the Transfer of Gender Norms
Michele Tuccio (Southampton) with Jackline Wahba)
Discussant: Raj Chowdury (Harvard Business School)

International migration: driver of political and social change? 
Jackline Wahba (Southampton) with Michele Tuccio and Bachir Hamdouch
Discussant: Mathis Wagner (Boston College)

Migration and development: A neoliberal delusion?
Hein De Haas (Oxford)
Discussant: Antonio Spilimbergo (IMF)

16:15 – 16:45

Coffee Break

16:45 – 18:15

Parallel Session 3A: Data Session
Chair: Cyrille Bellier (AFD)

Parallel Session 3B: KNOMAD Session
Chair: Jorgen Carling (Peace Research Institute Oslo) 


Global Bilateral Migration Patterns 2010
Çağlar Özden (World Bank) and Theodora Xenogiani (OECD)

The Gravity of High Skilled Migration Policies
Chris Parsons (Oxford)

Foreign Inventors in the US: Testing for Diaspora and Brain Gain Effects
Francesco Lissoni (GREThA, Bordeaux) with Stefano Breschi and Ernest Miguelez

Introduction to KNOMAD
Dilip Ratha (World Bank) 

Can remittances help promote consumption stability?
Supriyo De (World Bank) with Ergys Islamaj, Ayhan Kose, and Seyed Reza Yousefi)

Low-skilled labor migration: Measuring migration costs
Soonhwa Yi (World Bank) with Phil Martin and Manolo Abella

19:30 – 22:00 Conference Dinner
Tuesday, June 9 (Day 2)

8:30 – 10:30

Parallel Session 4A: Migration and Human Capital
Chair: David McKenzie (World Bank Research Department)

Parallel Session 4B: Migration, Risk and Household Welfare
Chair: Imran Rasul (UCL)

Reversing Brain Drain: Evidence from Malaysia's Returning Expert Program 
Mathis Wagner (Boston College) with Çağlar Özden, Ximena del Carpio and Mauro Testaverde
Discussant: John Gibson (Waikato University)

Does Labor Migration Affect Human Capital in the Long Run? Evidence from Malawi 
Taryn Dinkelman (Dartmouth College) with Martine Mariotti
Discussant: Caroline Theoharides (Amherst College)

Long-Term Impacts of Migration: Evidence from a Lottery
John Gibson (Waikato University) with David McKenzie
Discussant: Taryn Dinkelman (Dartmouth College)

Migration Choice under Risk and Liquidity Constraints
Marieke Kleemans (UC Berkeley)
Discussant: Corina Mommaerts (Yale)

Migration and Consumption Insurance in Bangladesh
Corina Mommaerts (Yale) with Costas Meghir, Melanie Morten, and Mushfiq Mobarak
Discussant: Garance Geneicot (Georgetown) 

Consumption or Leisure? The Welfare Impact of Migration on Family Left Behind: Theory and Evidence from Rural Mexico
Elie Murard (Paris School of Economics)
Discussant: Marieke Kleemans (UC Berkeley)

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:00

Keynote Lecture 2: Economic and Cultural Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration


Speaker: Ran Abramitzky (Stanford)
Chair: Caglar Ozden (World Bank)

12:00 – 13:15


13:15 – 15:15

Parallel Session 5A: Migration and Labor Markets in Developing Countries
Chair: William Kerr (Harvard Business School)

Parallel Session 5B: Remittances
Chair: Dilip Ratha (World Bank)

Migration, Youth, and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia
Alan de Brauw (IFPRI)
Discussant: Jean-Francois Maystadt (Lancaster University)

Short-term Migration, Rural Workfare Programs and Urban Labor Markets: Evidence from India 
Clement Imbert (Oxford) with John Papp
Discussant: John Giles (World Bank Research Department)

Environmental Migration and Labor Markets in Nepal
Jean-Francois Maystadt (Lancaster University) with Valerie Mueller and Ashwini Sebastian
Discussant: William Kerr (Harvard Business School)

Migrant Remittances and Information Flows: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Catia Batista (Nova University of Lisbon) with Gaia Narciso
Discussant: Maurice Kugler (IMPAQ)

Migrant Earnings and the Economic Development of Origin Areas: Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks in the Filipino Diaspora
Dean Yang (Michigan) with Caroline Theoharides
Discussant: Maurice Schiff (IZA)

International Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa 
Maria Soledad Martinez Peria (World Bank) with Gemechu Ayana Aga
Discussant: Jorgen Carling (PRIO)

15:15 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 – 17:15

Plenary Invited Session
Chair: Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics)


Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of in-Utero Conditions
Victor Lavy (Hebrew University and Warwick) with Analia Schlosser and Adi Shany
Discussant: Patricia Cortes (Boston University)

Nation-Building Through Compulsory Schooling During the Age of Mass Migration
Imran Rasul (UCL) with Oriana Bandiera, Myra Mohnen, and Martina Viarengo
Discussant: Anna-Maria Mayda (Georgetown)


Farewell Reception



Alan de Brauw (IFPRI): 

Alan de Brauw (IFPRI): 

Last Updated: Jun 05, 2015

  • Alan de Brauw

    Migration, Youth, and Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia
  • Anna-Maria Mayda

    The impact of trade liberalization on internal mobility: Evidence from China
  • Ben Feigenberg

    Fenced Out: Why Rising Migration Costs Matter
  • Caglar Ozden

    Profile of Migrants in non-OECD Countries 2010 Analysis of Bilateral Migration Data World Bank, OECD, Oxford
  • Caroline Theoharides

    Banned from the Band: The Effect of Migration Barriers on Origin-Country Labor Market Decisions
  • Catia Batista

    Migrant Remittances and Information Flows: Evidence from a Field Experiment
  • Chris Parsons

    The Gravity of High Skilled Migration Policies
  • Clément Imbert

    Short-term Migration, Rural Workfare Programs and Urban Labor Markets: Evidence from India
  • Corina Mommaerts

    Migration and Consumption Insurance in Bangladesh
  • Dani Rodrik

    Is the Nation State the Enemy of Global Equality?
  • Dean Yang

    Migrant Earnings and the Economic Development of Origin Areas: Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks in the Filipino Diaspora
  • Elie Murard

    Consumption or leisure? The welfare impact of migration on family left behind: Theory and evidence from rural Mexico
  • Francesco Lissoni

    Foreign Inventors in the US: Testing for Diaspora and Brain Gain Effects
  • Hein de Haas

    Migration and development: A neoliberal delusion?
  • Hillel Rapoport

    Migration and Cross-Border Financial Flows
  • Imran Rasul

    Nation-building through Compulsory Schooling during the Age of Mass Migration
  • Jackline Wahba

    International Migration: Driver of political and social change?
  • Jean-Francois Maystadt

    Environmental Migration and Labor Markets in Nepal
  • John Gibson

    Long-term Impacts of Migration: Evidence from a Lottery
  • Luigi Minale

    Risk Attitudes and Household Migration Decisions
  • Marieke Kleemans

    Migration Choice under Risk and Liquidity Constraints
  • Mathis Wagner

    Reversing Brain Drain: Evidence from Malaysia's Returning Expert Program
  • Michele Tuccio

    May I Leave the House? Return Migration and the Transfer of Gender Norms
  • Mounir Karadja

    Emigration and Political Power: Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration
  • Sole Martinez Peria

    International Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Soonhwa Yi

    Low-skilled labor migration: Measuring migration costs
  • Supriyo De

    Can remittances help promote consumption stability?
  • Taryn Dinkelman

    Does labor migration affect human capital in the long run? Evidence from Malawi
  • Victor Lavy

    Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of In Utero Conditions’
  • William Kerr

    Heterogeneous Technology Diffusion and Ricardian Trade Patterns
  • Yannay Spitzer

    The Dynamics of Mass Migration: Estimating the Effect of Income Differences on Migration in a Dynamic Model of Discrete Choice with Diffusion
  • Zachary Ward

    Birds of Passage: Return Migration, Self-Selection and Immigration Quotas
  • World Bank Headquarters
    1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC

    Day 1: June 8, 2015, MC 13-121
    Day 2: June 9, 2015, MC 13-121
  • Non-bank visitors please enter the building at the corner of 18th and Pennsylvania.

Ran Abramitzky (Stanford), Michel Beine (Luxembourg)
Jørgen Carling (Peace Research Institute, Oslo)
Michael Clemens (CGD), Patricia Cortes (Boston U)
Hein de Haas (IMI Oxford)
Frederic Docquier (Louvain)
Giovanni Facchini (Nottingham)
Philippe Fargues (Migration Policy Center, EUI)
Hubert Jayet (EQUIPPE, Lille)
William Kerr (Harvard Business School)
Anna-Maria Mayda (Georgetown)
David McKenzie (World Bank)
Çağlar Özden (World Bank)
Giovanni Peri (UC Davis)
Hillel Rapoport (Chair, Paris School of Economics)
Imran Rasul (UCL)
Dean Yang (University of Michigan)

Event Details
