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Recovery and Resolution Planning: From Experts to Experts
April 23-24, 2015Vienna, Austria

The workshop will examine how to assess and establish credible and feasible recovery and resolution (R&R) strategies for individual financial institutions. It will give insights into the new resolution framework established in the European Union under the BRRD/SRM, addressing practical questions arising in the day to day implementation of R&R planning.

The World Bank - Vienna Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) is organizing a two-day Workshop on "Recovery and Resolution Planning: From Experts to Experts” on April 23 - 24, 2015 in Vienna, Austria.  

The workshop will examine how to assess and establish credible and feasible recovery and resolution (R&R) strategies for individual financial institutions. It will give insights into the new resolution framework established in the European Union under the BRRD/SRM, addressing practical questions arising in the day to day implementation of R&R planning. 

Keynote speakers come from the newly established European Single Resolution Board (SRB), EBA, National Resolution, as well as supervisory, Authorities with hands-on experience in the assessment of recovery plans and the adoption of resolution plans and from consulting firms with experience in this area.

  • Recovery and Resolution Planning: From Experts to Experts: 23 - 24 April, 2015 Venue: The World Bank, Praterstrasse 31, 21st floor 1020, Vienna
