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Romania: gender equality
From Awareness to Activism: An emancipation dialogue on equal opportunities
March 18, 2015Bucharest, Romania

An engaging discussion with two renowned professionals who will share their personal paths towards equal opportunities will also be an opportunity to learn how their personal approach to equal opportunities and gender equality was born and how it transformed.

Please join us for an engaging conversation with Dr. Mihaela Miroiu and Dr. Nicoleta Bitu about their personal paths towards equal opportunities, to learn how their personal approaches of equal opportunities and gender equality have been born, developed, and transformed from ideological and action oriented perspectives.

It is an opportunity to exchange with these two renowned professionals and theoreticians during an event that continues the series of debates and seminars organized by the World Bank with the aim to raise the awareness and consolidate the knowledge around critical topics such as social inclusion, inclusive growth, cultural identity and heritage, and equal opportunities.

The event will be co-hosted by Elisabetta Capannelli, World Bank Country Manager for Romania and Hungary; Angela Filote, Chief of Representation of the European Commission to Romania; Madalina Mihalache, Chief of the European Parliament Information Office in Romania. 




15:30 – 16:00      Arrival of participants

16:00 – 16:15      Introduction

Elisabetta Capannelli, Country Manager Romania and Hungary, The World Bank

Angela Filote, Chief of Representation of European Commission to Romania

Madalina Mihalache, Chief of European Parliament Information Office in Romania

16:15 – 17:00      Personal perspectives and dialogue

When did the gender consciousness awaken? What about the ethnic one? How these became basis of future activism? What is the relationship between theory, ideology, and social change?

Speakers: Ms. Mihaela Miroiu and Ms. Nicoleta Bițu

Moderator: Costel Bercuș

17:00 – 17:15      Coffee break

17:15 – 17:17      Short movie projection

17:17 – 18:00      Questions and answers and open discussions with the participants


  • Dr. Mihaela Miroiu

    Dr. Mihaela Miroiu is a professor at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, teaching Political Sciences in Bucharest. She is the initiator of gender and feminist studies in Romania in 1994. She conceived the first Masters Degree on gender in 1998, and she is the founder of the doctoral studies in Political Sciences in 2000. An international researcher, author of a dozen books on philosophy, literature, feminism and political theory, she was numerous time awarded in recognition of her work in fighting against discrimination, promoting women's rights, and developing higher education. She is the recipient of the Women Inspiring Europe, and AWSS Outstanding Achievement Award.
  • Dr. Nicoleta Bitu

    Dr. Nicoleta Bitu is the director of the Centre for Romani Studies of the National School for Political and Administrative Sciences. She has been acting in the field of human and women’s rights for over 23 years being at the forefront of the European mobilization of Romani women activists and of the advocacy for rights of Romani people. She is a recognized and published expert in her field. She worked for Romani CRISS, OSI, Council of Europe and currently working with Romano ButiQ. Her worked have provoked the Romani and feminist movements to think and act based on the universality of human rights when it comes to Romani women.
  • Date: Wednesday - March 18th, 2015
  • time: 16:00
  • venue: Titulescu Hall, Representation of European Commission to Romania, 1st floor, 31 Vasile Lascar St., Bucharest
  • RSVP by March 16th 2015:
  • CONTACT: Camelia Gusescu, Team Assistant
