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Initiatives to Promote Gender Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean
December 4, 2014The World Bank

Recognizing and disseminating innovative and sustainable initiatives that address key gender challenges within the region in the areas of teenage pregnancy, gender-based violence and women’s participation in decision-making.


Gender equality matters intrinsically as a basic human right, and is instrumental for human development.  It enables equal access to goods, services, and resources for both men and women, and their equal enjoyment of the opportunities and rewards of economic development.  Gender equality is “smart economics,” and can contribute to key development goals, including the reduction of extreme poverty and inequality.

Within the Latin America and Caribbean region, significant advances have been made in access to health, education and economic opportunities, but persistent challenges remain in the realm of individual agency and voice within society. Gender norms engrained in social, political, economic and cultural life perpetuate inequalities on the household, community, national and regional levels. Of particular concern are the manifestations of women’s lack of agency in the region, which include: persistent rates of adolescent pregnancy, sexual and gender-based violence, and continued exclusion from decision-making spaces. 


Through the Initiatives to Promote Gender Equality regional contest, the World Bank seeks to discover, document and share innovative, effective and sustainable initiatives that address one of the following thematic areas:

  • Teenage Pregnancy
  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Women's Participation in Decision-Making

Furthermore, the World Bank hopes to foster cooperation, sharing of information, and learning among individuals, groups and organizations working to improve gender equality in the region.

9:30 – 10:00 am


10:00 – 10:45 am


Introduction: Louise Cord 

Remarks: Caren Grown, Senior Director, Gender Cross-Cutting Solutions Area

Awards Ceremony:

Presentation of Awards: Jorge Familiar, Vice President, LAC  Region

10:45 – 11:45 am


Teenage  Pregnancy:

 “Yo decido”, Asociación Civil Paz Joven, Guatemala

Gender-Based Violence:

“Bem-Em-Quer”, Casa Civil, Governo do Estado de Sao Paolo, Brazil

Female Participation in Decision-Making:

“Colchas de Amor”, Fundación Acesco, Colombia

11:45 – 12:00 pm


12:00 – 2:00 pm

Lunch and Knowledge Fair

Winners, Honorable Mentions and Finalists
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    Teenage Pregnancy - Winner

    “Yo decido”
    Asociación Paz Joven, Guatemala
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    Teenage Pregnancy - Honorable mention

    “Pregúntale al experto”
    Think Action Development, Mexico
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    Teenage Pregnancy - Finalist

    “Reduciendo el riesgo en la salud sexual y reproductiva de mujeres” - Finalist
    Fundación Oriéntame, Colombia.
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    Teenage Pregnancy - Finalist

    “Empoderamiento madres adolescentes” - Finalist
    Fundación Juan Felipe Gómez Escobar, Colombia.
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    Teenage Pregnancy - Finalist

    “Jóvenes Empoderados” - Finalist
    Asociación ALAS, Guatemala.
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    Gender-based Violence - Winner

    “Bem me Quer”
    Assesoria Especial para Assuntos Internacionais, Casa Civil, Goberno do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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    Gender-based Violence - Honorable Mention

    “Equidad: el respeto es la ruta”
    Cauce Cuidadano A.C., Mexico.
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    Gender-based Violence - Finalist

    “Puntadas para el Futuro” - Finalist
    CASA HAUG, Peru.
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    Gender-based Violence - Finalist

    “Lucha contra la explotación sexual de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes” - Finalist
    Fundación Tierra de Hombres, Colombia.
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    Gender-based Violence - Finalist

    “Programa Las Víctimas Contra Las Violencias” - Finalist
    Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Argentina.
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    Female Participation in Decision-Making - Winner

    “Colchas de Amor”
    Fundación Acesco, Colombia.
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    Female Participation in Decision-Making - Honorable Mention

    “Presupuesto Participativo para la Igualdad de Oportunidades”
    Municipalidad de Lima, Peru.
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    Female Participation in Decision-Making - Finalist

    “Programa de Formación de Mujeres Emprendedoras“ - Finalist
    CRIAR Comunidad de Mujeres Emprendendedoras, Argentina.
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    Female Participation in Decision-Making - Finalist

    “Mujeres creando escenarios de paz y convivencia” - Finalist
    Corporación Internacional Derecho y Sociedad, Colombia.
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    Female Participation in Decision-Making - Finalist

    “CAMINAS” - Finalist
    Plan Internacional Bolivia.
