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November 25-26, 2014The opening session will be webcasted on Nov 25th, at 9:30am (Brasilia time) on this page

Food production in Brazil is currently threatened by extreme climate events and logistic problems, among other issues. If the Latin American giant is to face them adequately in order to ensure global food security, these problems must be addressed in an integrated manner. In this webcast, you will learn about the initiatives that help ensure food security for all.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), the Brazilian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Embrapa) and the World Bank are working on mapping agricultural risks as well as public policies and programs focused on the management of these risks in Brazil. The aim of this work is to identify gaps and opportunities for improving policies to be adopted in the future.

The analysis will be developed from the perception of experts in various areas as to the severity and likelihood of phenomena that negatively impact agricultural production. These perceptions will be analyzed and compared with existing public policies and programs. This assessment will be used to define, from identified gaps, opportunities for improvement.

This event will be attended by approximately 100 experts, coming from MAPA, Embrapa, universities and the private sector, and will be organized in eight panels set according to the risk groups.

First Day – November 25th

09h30 | Opening

Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, Mr. Neri Geller

World Bank Director for Brazil, Miss. Deborah Wetzel

President of the Brazilian Rural Society, Mr. Gustavo Junqueira

Organization President of Brazilian Cooperatives, Mr. Marcio Freitas

President of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil, Ms. Katia Abreu

President of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Mr. Mauricio Antonio Lopes

10h45 | Interval

11h00 | Opening Speech

"The need for an integrated view of agricultural risks"

Mr. Laurent Msellati, Agriculture Manager for Latin America, World Bank

11h45 | The Private Sector Overview

12h30 | Interval

14h00 | Work Panels

1 - Extreme Climate Events and Fire.

Moderator: Pablo Valdivia, Specialist Insurance and Climate Risk, World Bank

2 - Animal Health.

Moderator: Alan Bojanic, representate to Brazil, FAO

3 - Plant Health

Moderator: Barbara Farinelli, Economist, World Bank

4 - Management of Property and Natural Resources.

Moderator: Gertjan Beekman, Water Resources Specialist, IICA

5 - Credit and Marketing.

Moderator: Jorge Caballero, Economist, World Bank

6 - International Trade.

Moderator: John Horton, Specialist in Agribusiness, IDB

7 - Logistics.

Moderator: Fernando Silva, Transport Specialist, World Bank

8 - Interest Groups and Regulatory Framework.

Moderator: Fatima Amazonas, Senior Specialist in Rural Development, World Bank

15h30 | Interval

16h00 | Work Panels (Continuation)

17h30 | First day close

Second day – November 26th

9:00   | Presentation of panels 1-5

10:00 | Discussion. Moderator: Sergio Dutra

10:45 | Interval

11:00 | Presentation of panels 6-9

12:00 | Discussion. Moderator: Sergio Dutra

12:45 | Event close.
