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Technology and jobs - is Poland ready?
October 29, 2014University of Warsaw Library (Dobra 46/56) room 315

Institute for Structural Research and The World Bank invite to a seminar on the impact of ICT revolution on labour market. The seminar will take place at the University of Warsaw Library (Dobra 46/56) room 315 on 29th of October 2014, 10:00-14:00

The IT revolution has transformed labour markets globally in an unprecedented way. New jobs as well as new ways of working have appeared, and traditional skills and jobs have lost their dominance. Some occupations have vanished entirely. Flexibility has become the new cornerstone, geographical borders and distances have become less important, but technological limitations have emerged as crucial. Using a sociological metaphor, labour market has become a part of liquid modernity. This puts pressures on employees, employers, job-seekers and policymakers to find strategies to navigate this new environment, but at the same time creates new opportunities. Young people are particularly affected by these phenomena – less likely to enter labour market in a stable way as older generations did, but better equipped to cope with ICT, also due to non-formal learning.

The aim of the seminar is to stimulate public debate on the consequences of ICT revolution that has transformed labour market globally in an unprecedented way. New jobs as well as new ways of working have appeared, and traditional skills and jobs have lost their dominance. Some occupations have vanished entirely. Flexibility has become the new cornerstone, geographical borders and distances have become less important, but technological limitations have emerged as crucial. Using a sociological metaphor, labour market has become a part of liquid modernity. This puts a lot of pressure on employees, employers, job-seekers and policymakers to find strategies to navigate this new environment, but at the same time creates new opportunities. Young people are particularly affected by these phenomena – less likely to enter labour market in a stable way as older generations did, but better equipped to cope with ICT, also due to non-formal learning.


9:30       Registration

10:00     Introduction

             Roberta Gatti (The World Bank) and Piotr Lewandowski (IBS)

10:30     First panel session on ICT and new opportunities

            Katrin  Hippler of Elance 
            Michał Mach of ePF 
            Terri Gerosa of Citibank International, City Service Center Poland
            Tomasz Klekowski Business GTM Director EMEA, Intel Corporation .

11:30     Discussion with audience

12:00     Coffee break

12:15     Second panel session on what are the skills that matter

            Maciej Jakubowski (University of Warsaw).
            Bill Mitchell (Director of Education at BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT, UK)
            Ewa Dudek (Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of National Education)
            Paolo Pasimeni, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

13:30     Discussion with audience

14:00     Lunch

Registration for the conference is available via registration form or under the following phone number: 22 629 33 82.

  • Bill Mitchell

    Director of BCS Academy of Computing at BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT, coauthor of the reform of curriculum in United Kingdom, which introduces the training of computing skills from early age.
  • Katrin Hippler

    Senior Manager of Elance, responsible for training of freelancers in building successful careers online and entrepreneurs in finding the right freelancers for their projects.
  • Terri Gerosa

    Managing Director of City Service Center Poland, responsible for the development of polish outsourcing centers of Citibank International.
  • Maciej Jakubowski

    Assistant professor of economics at the University of Warsaw, expert on economics of education and former vice-minister of education in Poland.
  • Michał Mach

    entrepreneur, trainer, project manager and software developer. Cofounder of CiviCRM project and a member of the Council of ePF Foundation.
  • Tomasz Klekowski

    Business GTM Director EMEA, and chairman of Lewiatan Association of Digital Technologies Employers.
  • Ewa Dudek

    Vice-minister of education in Poland, responsible for preparation of new textbooks programme, international relations and absorption of EU funds.
  • Paolo Pasimeni

    economist of the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, expert on the skill formation.
