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Vakhsh River
Fifth Information-Sharing and Consultation Meeting on the Assessment Studies of the Proposed Rogun Hydropower Project (HPP)
July 14-18, 2014Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ссылка на эту страничку на русском языке Пятая серия встреч по обмену информацией по Оценочным исследованиям предлагаемого проекта Рогунской ГЭС


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The final reports which reflect the consultations can be found at the Final Disclosure page.

Q&A with Saroj Jha on the Rogun Assessment Studies and Consultation Process (July 21, 2014)

The World Bank is committed to ensuring good practice in information-sharing and encourages all riparian stakeholders to participate in the upcoming six-week comment period (June 17 – July 29) and riparian consultation meetings in mid-July. On July 14-15, 2014, the session for civil society representatives from all riparian countries will be chaired from Almaty and held through video or audio conference with World Bank Country Offices in Central Asia and Afghanistan. In addition to participating in the information-sharing and consultation meetings, the World Bank welcomes feedback and comments from interested stakeholders by email until July 29, 2014 at The fifth information-sharing and consultation meetings with riparian countries on the Assessment Studies of the proposed Rogun Hydropower Project (HPP) in Tajikistan will take place during the week of July 14, 2014. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss the final draft set of summaries and reports on the Assessment Studies with interested parties from riparian countries including Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

These upcoming fifth regional riparian meetings will discuss the draft Techno-Economic Assessment Study (TEAS) Phase 2 Summary report and the draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report, which are financed by the International Development Association (Additional Financing for Energy Loss Reduction Project, IDA Grant No. H757-TJ). These concluding products of the Assessment Studies, which were prepared by the international consultants Coyne & Bellier and Poyry, cover the following topics:

  • Dam Safety (design criteria, geology, floods, seismicity, dam stability)
  • Water Management & Reservoir Operations  (hydrology, cascade operation, operating flow regime)
  • Economic & Financial Analyses
  • Implementation & Risks (construction materials, cost estimates, implementation schedule, risk analysis)
  • Environmental and Social Impacts (environmental, resettlement, socio-economic)
  • Impact on Riparian Countries
  • Analysis of Alternatives (alternatives to Rogun, dam alternatives)
  • Recommendations (environmental management plan, further studies)

These two reports are the final draft products of the Assessment Studies and the fifth consultation and comment period marks the end of the formal riparian consultation process. The Assessment Studies for the proposed Rogun HPP will be finalized after comments from riparian counterparts, civil society stakeholders, and local project affected people are received and carefully considered.

The documents have been disclosed on June 17, 2014 and are available on this webpage under “View or Download Latest Documents here” tab, and at the Government of Tajikistan website:

In addition to the draft ESIA and TEAS prepared by the consultants, the World Bank prepared a draft note for discussion on Key Issues for Consideration on the Proposed Rogun HPP in order to bring together the key findings of the Assessment Studies and identify additional issues for consideration. This note is also available under the tab marked "View or Download Latest Documents here."

To participate in the riparian meeting for civil society representatives on July 14-15, advanced registration is required. Due to space limitations registration for civil society participation will be handled on a first come–first serve basis. 


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For additional information, and/or registration please contact:

The report from the 4th riparian information-sharing and consultation period (September 30 - November 4, 2013), can be viewed here.



At the request of the Central Asian governments, the World Bank is working to ensure that the two ongoing Assessment Studies — the Techno-Economic Assessment Study (TEAS) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) — are objective, meet international technical standards, and are informed by a consultative process among riparian governments and civil society groups. To this end, the World Bank has sought input and review by riparian countries at key points during the study process. Four information-sharing sessions have been held (May 2011, November 2012, February 2013, October 2013) to share emerging analysis from the interim assessment studies and solicit feedback.  The final set of consultations and information sharing will take place from June 17 – July 29, 2014.

The purpose of the assessment process has been to help establish objective, independent, and comprehensive facts for all stakeholders. While the Assessment Studies provide a critical input for determining whether the proposed Rogun dam will be built, a variety of other factors such as trans-boundary water management and financing would need to be considered before the future of the proposed Rogun project is decided. The World Bank has made no financial commitment to support construction of the proposed dam. 

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