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2014 World Water Week
August 31-September 05, 2014Stockholm, Sweden

The World Water Week in Stockholm (WWW) is the annual meeting platform for the world’s most urgent water-related issues. Each year, the event brings together over 2,500 experts, practitioners, decision-makers and business innovators from around the globe to exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions in water.

World Bank Key Collaborating Partner of 2014 World Water Week 

World Water Week 2014 will be held under the theme of energy and water in an effort to address the complex interlinkages between the two resources. Significant amounts of water are needed in almost all energy generation processes. Conversely, the water sector needs energy to extract, treat and transport water. Population growth and rapidly-expanding economies place additional demands on water and energy - estimates show that by 2035, global energy consumption will increase by 50%, while water consumption by the energy sector will increase by 85%. At the same time, several regions around the world are already experiencing significant water and energy shortages, which are further exacerbated by climate change. 

The World Bank is one of the three collaborating partners for the World Water Week 2014, together with the IUCN and Sustainable Energy For All. In partnership with the Stockholm International Institute (SIWI), the World Bank will help support World Water Week 2014 in terms of content development, partnerships and advocacy, drawing from its recent global initiative called Thirsty Energy. Thirsty Energy quantifies tradeoffs and identifies synergies between water and energy resource management and aims to help governments break disciplinary silos that prevent cross-sectoral planning and prepare for an uncertain future.

Last Updated: Aug 23, 2014

The full program is available here.

Below are a list of World Bank Group (co)-convened sessions.


Producing Electricity with Less Water – New Perspectives for Renewables in a Water-Constrained World
Seminar: 2:00pm – 5:30pm, Room K16/17
Convenor(s): Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
Co-convenor(s): Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear, Germany; International Renewable Energy Agency; International Water Management Institute; Turkish Water Institute and The World Bank Group

The seminar intents to elaborate on the use of water in the electricity sector in the light of the ongoing energy system transformations. We are especially interested in the increasingly important role of wind energy and solar PV, two technologies with close to no water consumption for plant operation and significantly lower water consumption levels on a life-cycle basis. In this seminar, we will discuss different scenarios and case studies for power system transformations, focusing on the impact on water use.
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Innovations in Sustainability for Water and Sanitation Services
Side Event: 5:45pm – 6:45pm,  Room T2
Convenor(s): Sanitation and Water for All
Co-convenor(s): Department for International Development, UK; Directorate-General for International Cooperation, The Netherlands; IRC; Rural Water Supply Network; The Water Institute at University of North Carolina; United Nations Children’s Fund; United States Agency for International Development; Water and Sanitation Program; Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and WaterAid.

As the world is poised to establish sustainable development goals, this side event, showcases innovations in sustainability in water and sanitation. A very high proportion of water and sanitation services are dependent on aid: lack of service sustainability and high breakdown rates are a debilitating and perennial characteristic of services supported by aid.

The event will present key ideas and innovations on what needs to change to build services that both reach the poor and that last. It will feature outstanding international global speakers, who, whilst sharing the outcomes of the April 2014 Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting with the broader water community, will also present leading new approaches to improve service sustainability.
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The Water-Energy Nexus in Latin America: Understanding the Upstream and Downstream Systems
Seminar: 9:00am – 12:30pm, Room T3
Convenor(s): CAF - Development Bank of Latin America; FEMSA Foundation and The Nature Conservancy
Co-convenor(s): Empresas Públicas de Medellín; ITAIPU; SABESP; The Coca-Cola Company; The World Bank Group and World Wide Fund for Nature

This event´s program will focus on the importance of managing energy and water resources in a complementary and sustainable manner, engaging relevant stakeholders in the process. It will address the upstream challenges and opportunities of basin management, focusing on strengthening the institutional capacity of management structures, in order to accomplish sustainability of shared water resources and energy supplies in the region; furthermore it will discuss the downstream sustainability, specifically addressing the complex dynamics of the different uses of water.
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Beyond Asset Management – Sector Analysis and Partnerships for Sustainable Service Delivery in WASH
Seminar: 9:00am – 12:35pm, Room T6
Convenor(s): UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI and United Nations Children’s Fund
Co-convenor(s): Directorate-General for International Cooperation, The Netherlands and Water and Sanitation Program

The seminar will particularly look at how and if countries are identifying key sustainability indicators that address enabling environments and WASH governance to improve sustainability beyond functionality of services. It will address lessons learned to date in a selected number of countries from implementing the sector tool and analyze how improved governance can address identified bottlenecks to improve the system and the application of sustainability compacts - a partnership between the governments and sector partners.
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The Water-Energy Nexus in the Context of Green Growth
Seminar: 2:00pm – 5:30pm, Room T4
Convenor(s): Korea Water Resources Corporation; The National Committee for the 2015 World Water Forum Korea and World Water Council
Co-convenor(s): Asian Development Bank; International Union for Conservation of Nature; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and The World Bank Group

The seminar will focus on identifying and discussing policy instruments that can effectively coordinate water and energy sector policies in the context of green growth. The OECD, World Bank, ADB, IUCN and K-water will share lessons from their experiences at the international, regional and national levels.
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Entwined Predicaments: Limits Facing Water and Energy
Workshop: 9:00am – 5:30pm, Room K16/17
Convenor(s): Stockholm International Water Institute
Co-convenor(s): International Renewable Energy Agency; Sustainable Energy for All and The World Bank Group

This workshop will focus on innovative thinking, successful cases, and avoided pitfalls across the water-energy nexus. Areas to be addressed include: water and energy footprints; iconic water and energy technologies with entwined conflicts (hydropower, shale gas, desalination); policy and management bridges between the two sectors; and sustainable ways forward.
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IBNET Blue Book Launch session 14:00-16:00, M17
Details to follow


Innovations in Financing Access to Water and Energy for the Poor Using Output-Based Aid (OBA)
Seminar: 9:00am – 12:30pm, Room K22/23
Convenor(s): Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid and The World Bank Group

The event will have 3 main sections. The first one will introduce Output-Based Aid (OBA), its definition, core concepts, and purpose, along with the work of the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) to pilot and mainstream OBA approaches to extend basic infrastructure and social services to the poor.

The second section will present specific projects in water, sanitation, and energy, so the audience can see the various ways the OBA mechanism has been applied and implemented in these sectors. This section will present the different approaches that these projects have used in several countries in Africa, Asia, Middle East / North Africa, and Latin America. In addition, the section will present the results and lessons learned from the implementation of these projects.

The third section will be an open discussion for the audience to share their project ideas and provide advice about how to design and implement these approaches, or identify potential projects or partnerships.
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From Faecal Sludge to Fuel: Safe Sanitation with Business Opportunities
Seminar – 2:00pm – 5:30pm, Room K22/23
Convenor(s): Eawag and Sandec
Co-convenor(s): Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; China Node for Sustainable Sanitation; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit; German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste; German Society for Biogas and Bioenergy; German Toilet Organization; Kristianstad University; Makerere University; Netherlands Water Partnership; Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Stockholm Environment Institute; Sustainable Sanitation Alliance; Technologies for Economic Development; University KwaZulu-Natal and The World Bank Group

This seminar includes two sessions covering all aspects of faecal sludge management (FSM), followed by a multi‑stakeholder discussion focused on energy recovery and FSM as an integrated approach for sustainable sanitation based on profitable businesses.

This session will showcase innovations from WSP, Sandec, and BMGF funded case studies, and examples from the forthcoming IWA publication - Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation.Examples of tools will include assessment of institutional models for service delivery, and the relationship between these models, current practice, and business profitability. Preliminary results will be presented from Diagnostics and Guidelines for Fecal Sludge Management in Poor Urban Areas, a WSP/WB study, and from the BMGF case studies.
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Bridging Water & Energy Service Delivery with Mobiles and Information Technology
14:00 – 17:30pm, Room K21
This session builds on the rapidly growing body of experiences and invites water and energy leaders to share lessons on how these technologies are changing the way services are delivered, paid for, and how success is measured using data.

There are three themes for the discussions:
1. Innovating finance and billing using mobile channels: pay as you go, using expenditure data, mobile money, airtime, microloans
2. Monitoring and operational data to improve services: mobile monitoring of services; customer/user reporting and support services; alerts and early warning systems; automated monitoring of service performance
3. Professionalising services delivery: cross-sector water-energy collaborations the role of local government in regulation and the enabling environment; new business models for service provision, strategic public-private partnerships.
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Valuation, Economics and Finance (Workshop)
Seminar: 9:00am – 12:30pm and 14:00 - 17:30pm, Room K16/17
Convenor(s): Stockholm International Water Institute
Co-convenor(s): Alstom; Rockefeller Foundation and The World Bank Group

Energy utilities often face shut-downs for days at a time due to scarcity of water, low flows and/or increasing water temperatures. Hence, there is a strong business case to integrate the planning of energy and water, by designing and implementing joint investments. While integrated planning requires that the energy sector incorporate complex hydrological analyses into its design and operational decisions, methodologies are increasingly becoming available and applied for this purpose.

This seminar has two focus areas: 1) Risk and Investment Decision Making and 2) Ecosystems and Energy
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Climate-Informed Decision Support Tools for Sustainable Water Management
Seminar: 9:00am – 12:30pm, Room T5
Convenor(s): Alliance for Global Water Adaptation and The World Bank Group
Co-convenor(s): Conservation International; Inter-American Development Bank and RTI International

In this seminar, we will present decision support tools that are available for institutions and decision makers when working with climate sensitive projects and investments;  explore examples and examine lessons to introduce more objective and stakeholder-driven decision processes; and illustrate how water management approaches can be transformed to promote long-term sustainability in the face of climate variability and change.
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Innovations for More Food with Less Water and Less Energy
Seminar: 2:00pm – 5:30pm, Room T5
Convenor(s): Lahmeyer International GmbH
Co-convenor(s): Asian Development Bank; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; International Water Management Institute and The World Bank Group

The seminar will raise awareness and engagement of the irrigation and water community in innovative thinking for improving productivity of water as a key dimension of the water-food-energy nexus.

Participant working groups will be given information and data from recent studies, including systems analyses, performance benchmarking findings, participatory rural appraisals, and assessments of service delivery agencies and farmer organizations.

In plenary presentations, panel discussions and interactive working groups, participants will develop recommendations for management and institutional reforms, associated physical modernization works to sustain much needed productivity increases while reducing the overall energy intensity of irrigated production.
More Information

Last Updated: Aug 14, 2014

World Bank Group global practice Senior Directors Junaid Ahmad, Water, and Anita George, Energy, will deliver a joint keynote Monday on energy and water poverty. The opening plenary session will livestream here beginning at 9:30 am Stockholm time on Monday. The Senior Directors will signal the World Bank Group’s commitment to working across practices to generate cutting-edge knowledge and secure financing on the energy-water nexus. 

Last Updated: Aug 29, 2014

Water and Energy

Thirsty Energy Initiative: Overview | Report | Infographic | Summary | Feature Story
A Primer on Energy Efficiency for Municipal Water and Wastewater Utilities
Renewable Energy Desalination: An Emerging Solution to Close the Water Gap in the Middle East and North Africa (Also available in Spanish)
The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol for Use by World Bank Clients
A Review of Selected Hydrology Topics to Support Bank Operations: HEF Technical Report 1

Water and Environment

Building Resilience for Sustainable Development of the Sundarbans: Strategy Report
Restoring the Coastal Environment in Cartagena, Columbia (Also available in Spanish)
Drought Preparedness in Brazil
A Regional Approach to Reducing Pollution in the Adriatic Sea
Downstream Impacts of Water Pollution in the Upper Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia

Agricultural Water Management

How to Assess Agricultural Water Productivity? Looking for Water in the Agricultural Productivity and Efficiency Literature
The Future of Irrigation in Peru: Challenges and Recommendations (Spanish)

Water Resources Management

Beyond Downscaling – A Bottom up Approach to Climate Change Adaptation for Water Resources Management (available online soon at
Applying Results-Based Financing in Water Investments
Investing in Water Infrastructure: Capital, Operations and Maintenance
Promoting Water Security for Inclusive Green Growth
WPP Annual Report 2012: Sharing Smart Solutions in Water
China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy (2013-2020)
Design of ET-Based Water Rights Administration System for Turpan Prefecture of Xinjiang China
Blue Water, Green Cities:  Overview | Brochure | Report 


Investing in the Next Generation: Growing Tall and Smart with Toilets: Stopping Open Defecation Improves Children’s Height in Cambodia | Tanzania | Laos | Vietnam
Economics of Sanitation Initiative: Overview | Infographic: What’s a Toilet Worth? (South Asia, Indonesia, East Asia, Nicaragua) | Nicaragua: The Cost of Inadequate Sanitation
What Influences Open Defecation and Latrine Ownership? Findings from a Global Review
Impact Evaluation of a Large-Scale Rural Sanitation Project in Indonesia
What Does it Take to Scale up Sanitation?
The Missing Link in Sanitation Service Delivery: A Review of Fecal Sludge Management in 12 Cities   
Linking Service Delivery Processes and Outcomes in Rural Sanitation: Findings from 56 Districts in India   
Integrating Behavior Change and Hygiene in Public Policy: Four Key Dimensions
Making Sanitation Marketing Work: the Bangladesh Story

Monitoring & Benchmarking

The International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities Databook
Monitoring Country Progress in Water and Sanitation (MAPAS)  –  El Salvador: Brief (English/Spanish), Report (Spanish) | Honduras: Brief (English/Spanish) | Panama: Brief (English/Spanish)
Benchmarking to Improve Urban Water Supply Delivery in Bangladesh
Honduras: A Public Expenditure Review. Decentralization of Water and Sanitation Services: Overview (English | Spanish), Full Report (English | Spanish

Domestic Private Sector Participation

Tapping the Markets: Opportunities for Domestic Investments in Water and Sanitation for the Poor: Book | Sanitation Infographic | Water Infographic
Selling Sanitation Initiative: Overview | Brochure | SmartLessons | Kenya Onsite Sanitation (Demand Generation Strategies, Market Intelligence, Product and Business Model Design)
Private Sector Participation in the Ugandan Water Sector: A Review of 10 Years of Private Management of Small Town Water Systems
Running Water in India’s Cities: A Review of Five Recent Public-Private Partnership Initiatives
Structuring Private-Sector Participation (PSP) Contracts for Small Scale Water Projects
Water PPPs in Africa
Bringing Water to Where It is Needed Most: Innovative Private Sector Participation in Water & Sanitation
Handshake: Water PPPs 

Poor-Inclusive Reform

The Limits and Possibilities of Prepaid Water in Urban Africa: Lessons from the Field
Poor-inclusive Urban Sanitation
Do pro-poor policies increase water coverage? An analysis of service delivery in Kampala’s informal settlements
Devolution in Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges for the Water Sector
GPOBA Sector Brief: A Decade of Supporting the Delivery of Basic Services for the Poor

Last Updated: Aug 29, 2014

Thirsty Energy

Will Water Constrain Our Energy Future?
