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Russia ICT Day 2013
Russia ICT Day
November 14, 2013Washington, D.C.

Russia ICT Day is an international knowledge-sharing forum that will provide a platform for dialogue between Russian government executives and the global ICT expert community.

The scale and extent of ICT in Russia are considerable, but not well-known outside of the country. Russia has 76 million Internet users and an e-commerce turnover of $13 billion a year. The country's e-government performance has already reached the European Union average, despite the challenges of a large population and vast geography. And its ICT industry boasts world-leading brands in the IT sector, fuelled by over 60,000 graduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics each year.

Organized by the World Bank Group, in cooperation with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Russia ICT Day is an international knowledge-sharing forum that will provide a platform for dialogue between Russian government executives and the global ICT expert community. High-level panel discussions will focus on topics, such as e-government, use of cloud technologies in the public sector, IT industry development, universal access to broadband, and IT skills development. The forum will provide participants with an overview of Russia's most promising ICT initiatives and an opportunity to exchange knowledge about the implementation of successful ICT projects and effective ICT policies worldwide.

Led by Federal Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Hon. Nikolai Nikiforov, with participation of 30 top Russian government IT executives, the forum will consist of a range of sessions about the development of a world-class ICT infrastructure in Russia, successful e-government projects, and Russia's strategy to support further development of a competitive ICT industry.

Agenda |  Speakers List |  Webcast


Welcome Statement: Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

Dear Colleagues!

The development of information and communication technologies has rapidly and fundamentally changed modern society, the ways of doing business, and government practices. Adopting new approaches in data management, network infrastructure development, and information security, while maintaining information sovereignty, poses a challenge for any global player. Russia keeps abreast of global trends in ICT and reacts to sweeping changes by actively developing e-government, cloud computing, and open data.

The Forum will present a unique opportunity to benchmark Russia’s ICT development vis-à-vis other states. A series of ICT topics ranging from information society to IT industry development will be discussed by the Russian government delegates, leading ICT experts representing international organizations, government, and private sector. Another notable feature of the Forum is the networking opportunities it will provide for its participants and guests.

Joined by my colleagues from Russia’s federal and regional government, I look forward to a stimulating and rewarding discussion!

Complete agenda available as PDF.

09:00 - 09:30 Registration

09:30 - 09:45 Welcoming Remarks

09:45 - 11:00 Information Society in Russia: Progress and Prospects

11:30 - 12:30 Presentations and Discussion: ICT Infrastructure for a Modern Russia

13:45 - 15:00 Presentations and Discussion: E-Government in Russia

15:30 - 16:45 IT Business in Russia 


Press Release (English) | Press Release (Russian)

Information Society in Russia: Progress and Prospects

Recorded Webstream (includes welcoming remarks)

Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, Russia | Presentation

Nick Sinai, Deputy Chief Technology Officer, White House Office of Science and Technology
Edwin Lau, Division Chief, OECD
Danil Kerimi, Head of Government Relations at the World Economic Forum
Samia Melhem, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank

Chris Vein, Chief Innovation Officer for Global Information and Communications Technology Development, World Bank


ICT Infrastructure for a Modern Russia

Recorded Webstream

Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, Russia | Presentation
Carlo Maria Rossotto, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank | Presentation

David McClure, Associate Administrator, Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, US General Services Administration | Presentation
Andrew Stott, Member of UK Transparency Board, former UK Deputy CIO
Zeljko Bogetic, Lead Economist, ECA, World Bank

Samia Melhem, Lead ICT Policy Specialist, World Bank


E-Government in Russia 

Recorded Webstream

Aleksey Kozyrev, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, Russia |Presentation
Sergey Guralnikov, Deputy Director, Federal Treasury, Russia | Presentation
Inna Miroshnikova, Head of Modernization Department of Tax Authorities, Federal Tax Service, Russia | Presentation
Vadim Andropov, Deputy Director, Rosreestr, Russia | Presentation
Nikolai Yelistratov, Chairman, Pension Fund, Russia
Andrey Belozerov, Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technology, Government of Moscow City | Presentation
Roman Shayhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Information and Communication of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia | Presentation
Dmitry Satin, Advisor to the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia |Presentation

Deepak Bhatia, Lead e-Government Specialist, World Bank
Daniel Chenok, Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government

Andrew Stott, Member of UK Transparency Board, former UK Deputy CIO


IT Business in Russia

Recorded Webstream (includes closing remarks)

Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, Russia

Mark Shmulevich, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications | Presentation

Stephanie von Friedeburg, World Bank Group Chief Information Officer and Vice President, Information and Technology Solutions
Marne Levine, Vice President, Global Public Policy, Facebook
Christopher Padilla, Vice President, Governmental Programs, IBM
Joel Schwartz, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global New Business Development, EMC Corporation

Chris Vein, Chief Innovation Officer for Global Information and Communications Technology Development, World Bank


The complete agenda is available for download here



  • Russian Delegation Speakers
  • Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

    At age 19, Mr. Nikiforov became Deputy Director of Kazan Portal Company. In 2006-2010, he was appointed Head of the Center of Information Technology of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2010-2012, Mr. Nikiforov worked as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Informatization and Telecommunication of the Republic of Tatarstan. In May 2012 he was appointed Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, thus becoming the country’s youngest federal minister.
  • Maksim Akimov, First Deputy Head, Government Administration

    Mr. Akimov was appointed First Deputy Head of the Russian Government Executive Office in May 2013. Mr. Akimov is responsible for the oversight of projects related to IT development and open data. In the past, he held the position of Deputy Head of the same agency, supervising the economy, finance, state property, customs, energy, transport, and communications. In 2007-2012, Mr. Akimov served as Kaluga Region Deputy Governor, coordinating strategic planning, forecasting, and social and economic development programs in the region.
  • Mark Shmulevich, Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications

    Mr. Shmulevich has been serving as Deputy Minister since 2012. Prior to joining the Ministry, he worked in a number of private companies focusing on innovation, IT, and quantum technologies. He has rich experience cooperating with venture funds in the areas of IT, high tech, and start-ups.
  • Aleksey Kozyrev, Head of E-Government Development Department

    Mr. Kozyrev has been leading the development of the e-Government program in Russia since 2012. Mr. Kozyrev is responsible for Open Data initiatives, state services, and the program of interagency integration. Prior to joining the Ministry, he has worked for large private companies and banks such as AlfaBank and Sequoia Credit Consolidation, where he served as General Director.
  • Andrey Belozerov, Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technology, Moscow City Government

    Mr. Belozerov leads the E-Government development program of the Department of IT of the Moscow Government Administration. He oversees ICT programs in the following areas: healthcare, social services, construction, land and property, education, security, and management of city finances. Prior to joining civil service, Mr. Belozerov worked for a private company where he oversaw the development of corporate information systems in leading private enterprises and government agencies.
  • Vladislav Fedulov, Director of IT & Telecommunication Department, Government Administration

    In 2012, Mr. Fedulov was appointed Director of the IT & Telecommunication Department in the Government Administration. He is also in charge of introducing a system of cross-sector coordination in Russian regions. In addition, Mr. Fedulov is a member of the board responsible for the establishment of a unified information system within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the past, Mr. Fedulov headed the Department of Public Administration, Regional Development and Local Self-Government, as well as the Department of Performance, Budgeting, and Consolidated Financial Balance in the Ministry of Economic Development.
Russia ICT Day
