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April 19-21, 2013Washington, DC

The World Bank and the IMF will hold their semi-annual meetings on April 20. At the heart of the gathering are meetings of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee and the IMF's International Monetary and Financial Committee, which discuss progress on the work of the two institutions.

About the Spring Meetings

Each Spring, thousands of government officials, the private sector, journalists, academia, civil society representatives, and other interested observers gather in Washington DC for the Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the IMF. At the heart of the gathering are meetings of the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committe and the IMF's International Monetary and Financial Committee, which discuss progress on the work of the World Bank and the IMF. Also featured are seminars, regional briefings, press conferences, and many other events focused on the global economy, international development, and the world’s financial markets.
