Day 1
The Promise of RBF to Reach Health MDGs and the Evidence Gap: How Impact Evaluation can Inform Policy Dialogue (English) (French)
Agnes Soucat, African Development Bank
Health Results Innovation Trust Fund (HRITF): Impact Evaluation and the Knowledge Agenda (English) (French)
Sebastian Martinez, World Bank
- Introduction of HRBF IE Network mission and project teams
- Overview of IE products and website
- Discuss objectives for the week and structure of parallel sessions
Theoretical Framework for Results-Based Financing for Health (English) (French)
Christel Vermeersch, World Bank
HRITF Case Study: Kyrgyz Republic Results-Based Financing Program (English) (French)
Tamer Rabie, World Bank
Building Global Knowledge: Demonstrating Results from Impact Evaluations in HRBF
Plan Nacer Maternal Child Health – Argentina (English) (French)
Martin Sabignoso and Humberto Silva, Plan Nacer
Performance Based Financing for HIV/AIDS Services - Rwanda (English) (French)
Damien de Walque, World Bank
- Overview of IE Management
- Results Chain for Health RBF (English) (French)
Jed Friedman
Fundamentals of Data Analysis (English) (French)
- Opening a data set
- Do files
- Looking at data (codebook, browse)(string vs. numeric data)
- Summarizing variables (sum, tab)
- Changing data (replace, rename, if, for each, mvdecode)
Day 2
IE Methods: A Refresher Course (English) (French)
Sebastian Martinez, World Bank
IE Methods: A Refresher Course (English) (French)
Christel Vermeersch, World Bank
Group Work: (English) (French)
Adam Ross, World Bank
Country teams met to discuss the specific objectives and technical questions or products that they liked to address throughout the course of the workshop. The main topics of interest were:
- Impact Evaluation Design
- Results Chain
- Data Quality Control
- Costing and Qualitative Data
- Data Analysis
Managing an HRBF Impact Evaluation: RBF Project Cycle (English) (French)
Christel Vermeersch, World Bank
Round Table with TTLs: Challenges in Implementing IEs
Fundamentals of Data Analysis (English) (French)
- Importing data from other sources
- PIDs: duplicates report, duplicates tag
- Merging and Appending
- Graphs
- Difference in means and T-tests: one treatment vs. control without clustering: Ttest
Day 3
Data Collection and Quality Control: Questionnaire development, training, field work, data entry and management (English) (French)
Beatriz Godoy, Sistemas Integrales
Data Collection and Quality Control: Lessons from HRITF Countries (English) (French)
Alvaro Canales, Sistemas Integrales
Data Management and Storage (English)
Jennifer Sturdy, World Bank
Fundamentals of Data Analysis (English) (French)
- Regressions
- Clustering
- Means of 4 study arms with clustering
- Difference in mean tests between 4 study arms with clustering:
- Exporting results and retrieving means and P-values
*Teams without data will use Rwanda data as a case study
Day 4
Tools for Impact Analysis: Costing and Cost Effectiveness (English) (French)
Logan Brenzel, World Bank
Tools for Impact Analysis: Qualitative Research: Research questions, protocols, instruments, analysis (English) (French)
Bianca Brijnath, Monash University