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2nd READ Global Conference
October 4-6, 2010Nairobi, Kenya

The Second READ Global Conference took place in Nairobi, Kenya from October 4 – 6, 2010.

Within the overall framework of what it takes to build up a sound assessment system, this conference focused on strengthening the enabling environment—the policies, institutional arrangements, financial resources, and human resources that support learning assessment activities in a country. These elements are fundamental: getting them right is prerequisite to ensuring that learning outcomes improve and that money spent on assessment produces results.

Conference Objectives

  • Support READ countries in improving learning outcomes through strong, sustainable assessment systems
  • Provide READ countries with an opportunity to collectively, and with support from assessment experts, think through ways in which to improve the enabling environment for assessment systems
  • Hold a premiere screening of the film “When Children Learn, Nations Prosper”, which highlights the critical importance of education quality and measuring learning outcomes
  • Learn lessons from other countries’ experience in the area of the enabling environment
  • Offer a venue for those engaged in assessment work to interact, network, and consult with each other
  • Communicate the ways in which READ is working to help countries

Conference Participants

  • Delegations of assessment/education officials from the 7 READ countries
  • Practitioners in assessment from a handful of countries
  • International experts on assessment and education quality
  • Russian experts on assessment and education quality
  • World Bank experts on assessment and READ program staff

For more information about the READ program, please visit our website at


  • Presentations

Day 1: The Role of Leadership


Johannes Zutt, World Bank Country Director, Kenya

Prof. George Godia, Education Secretary, Kenya

Vladimir Mau, Head of the Academy of National Economy, Russia

Elizabeth King, World Bank, Education Sector Director


Robin Horn, World Bank
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

VIDEO “When Children Learn, Nations Prosper”


Manorama Gotur, World Bank, READ Program Manager
Welcome Note

Andrei Volkov, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Keynote 1: Perspectives on the Role of Leadership
Presentation: English | Russian

Rukmini Banerji, Pratham
Keynote 2: Experience of Aser in India (Evolution, Elements, and Evidence 2005 to 2010)
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese
*Last minute flight complications kept Rukmini from being able to attend. This is the presentation that was intended to be given at the conference

Robin Horn, World Bank
Developing a Vision for Assessment Systems
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Phil Hay, World Bank
High-Level Panel: “Ask the Leaders”

Day 2: The Enabling Environment in READ Countries


Mukhtar Ogle, Kenya National Examinations Council
Recent Progress in Kenya’s Assessment System
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Sara Ruto, UWEZO
The UWEZO Initiative
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

READ Country Delegates (Phil Hay as Moderator)
Making a Difference through Assessment
- Angola
- Ethiopia
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Mozambique
- Tajikistan
- Vietnam
- Zambia


Jeff Marshall, READ Consultant
Lessons Learned from the Self-Diagnosis Synthesis
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Marguerite Clarke, World Bank
Enabling Environment: What is it?
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese


Country Clinics for the Seven READ Countries
How can READ Countries take their enabling environment to the next level?
- Angola
- Ethiopia
- Kyrgyz Republic
- Mozambique
- Tajikistan
- Vietnam
- Zambia

Phil Hay, World Bank
Report Back on Discussion Highlights from Country Clinics

Kenyan Choir
Music Program

Day 3: READ Support for a Stronger Enabling Environment


Boris Solovyev, Center for International Cooperation in Education Development
Capacity in Developing National Systems’ Education Quality Management
Presentation: English | Russian

Peter Nezhnov, Russian Academy of Education
Assessment Toolkit of Primary School Subject Competences
Presentation: English | Russian

Mark Agranovich, Federal Institute of Education Development
Enhancing Education Quality in Sub-National Education Systems(Statistics Based Instrument)
Presentation: English | Russian

Mark Zelman, Consultant
Information and Communication Technology—ICT for 9thGrade Students
Presentation: English | Russian


Marguerite Clarke, World Bank
Presentation: English

Maria Jose Ramirez, World Bank
Chile Case Study
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Viktor Bolotov, Russian Academy of Education
Russia Case Study
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Reg Allen, Tasmanian Qualifications Authority
Queensland, Australia Case Study
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Anil Kanjee, READ Consultant
Uganda Case Study
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Maria Helena Guimaraes de Castro, Brazilian Academy of Education
Brazil Case Study
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Robin Horn, World Bank
Themes from Lessons Learned in the Case Studies


Tom Kellaghan, Dublin City University
READ Guidance: Institutional Aspects of Assessment Systems
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese

Anil Kanjee, READ Consultant
READ Guidance: Ten “READ” Ideas
Presentation: English | Russian | Portuguese


Robin Horn, World Bank

Event Details
  • Date: October 4 - 6, 2010
  • Location: Nairobi, Kenya

