Social Protection in Africa: Overview of Policies
- Overview Social Protection in Africa - Qaiser Khan (English) (French)
- Overview Social Protection in Africa - Harold Alderman (English) (French)
Global Evidence from Impact Evaluations
Impact Evaluation Implementation Showcase: Youth - Oriented and Public Works Program
- Measuring Impact of Youth Entrepreneurship - Susana Puerto (English) (French)
- Impact of Skills Training in Northern Uganda: Preliminary results from non-Migrants - NUSAF - Nathan Fiala (English) (French)
- The Adolescent Girls Initiative: An Alliance for Economic Empowerment (English) (French)
- Active Labor Market Policies for Youth - Mattias Lundberg (English) (French)
Impact Evaluation Showcase: Cash Transfer Programs
- Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) Social Grants Scheme - CCT- Jane Mwangi & Ashu Handa (English) (French)
- Evaluation of the Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Chindren in (CVOC) - Daniel L Nzei Musembi (English) (French)
- Cash Transfer Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa, Berk Özler (English) (French)
- Community Care for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in the Nahouri Province- CCT - Seydou Kabre (English) (French)
Policymaker Sessions
- Impact Evaluation Methods for Policy Makers- Patrick Premand (English) (French)
Technical Sessions
Participant/Group Impact Evaluations
- Nutrition Ciblee Sur L’EnfantT Et Transferts Sociaux(NETS) (French)
Social Opportunity Project, The Labour Intensive Public Works Component, Ghana (English)
Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme (English)
Evaluating the Impact of CCTs on Girl Education in Bauchi State, Nigeria (English)
- Projet HIMO Comores/Madagascar (French)
- Improving Maternal and Child Health using RBF, Ghana (English)
Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP), Ghana (English)
Evaluating the Impact of Public Works Programme in Malawi- Malawi Social Action Fund Project (English)
- Kenya CT-OVC Program (English)
Volet des Travaux à Haute Intensité de Main d’OEuvre (French)
- Impact Evaluation of the Child Support Grant in RSA (English)
- Social Cash Transfers In Zambia (English)
- Social Opportunity Project (SOP), The Labour Intensive Public Works Component, Ghana (English)
Public Works Program 2010/2011 Zimbabwe (English)
Liberia Yes Project (English)
- TASAF PWP, Tanzania (English)
- Contributing to Scaling Up Malaria Control for Impact, Nigeria(English)
- Fonds National pour la Promotion de la Jeunesse (FNPJ) au Senegal- La cas des Tout Petits Credits (French)