The following indicators measure the performance of passive and active labor market programs (ALMPs). Passive labor market programs include, unemployment insurance and benefits, and unemployment insurance savings accounts programs. ALMPs include a wide range of interventions intended to foster job relevant skills (e.g., training programs), increase labor demand (e.g., wage subsidies and job vouchers, entrepreneurship and microenterprise development), or improve the matching of individuals and jobs (e.g., job search assistance, employment services). Please refer to the ASPIRE program classification for labor markets categories and sub-categories included in ASPIRE performance indicators.
The ASPIRE database provides performance indicators of labor market disaggregated by 2 harmonized program categories (active labor market programs and unemployment benefits), by rural and urban geographical areas, by quintile of the (pre and post transfer) welfare distribution, and by those living below PPP $2.15 a day. ASPIRE indicators definitions.