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Tunisia: Breaking the Barriers to Youth Inclusion


Malika Drissi l World Bank

Despite Tunisia’s impressive social and political achievements, inclusion of young Tunisians remains a largely unfinished project. Comprehensively addressing the legitimate aspirations of Tunisian youth will be critical for Tunisia to sustain its positive forward momentum.

Breaking the Barriers to Youth Inclusion provides a comprehensive analysis of the social, economic, political, and cultural barriers that young Tunisians continue to face. The report combines survey results, extensive qualitative research, direct consultations with young people, service providers and policymakers to identify the root causes for the persistent and widespread levels of youth inactivity and exclusion. This analysis is complemented by a review of successful youth employment programs, resulting in a series of targeted proposals for new youth-specific policies and approaches for Tunisia.

Chapters (PDF)

Chapter One: Introduction
Offers an analysis of the multiple factors that contribute to youth exclusion and provides a framework for assessing both the barriers and opportunities for youth Inclusion. It highlights the importance of active youth participation beyond inclusive labor market policies for reducing existing barriers.

Chapter Two: Youth Participation, Voice and Active Citizenship
Provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of young people in Tunisia three years after the 2011 revolution. The chapter demonstrates how active citizenship and civil participation among young Tunisians is critical for Tunisia to sustain its positive forward momentum.

Chapter Three: Youth Inactivity and Unemployment
Highlights the problem of inactivity by presenting a detailed breakdown by number, gender and geography of young people who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The analysis provides a portrait of Tunisia’s largely marginalized and economically excluded youth. The results show how the overall majority of unemployed youth and NEETs are young people without a high-school degree (Bac).

Chapter Four: Economic Opportunities
Presents in detail the challenging labor market situation faced by young Tunisians, and highlights how the majority of working youth is in informal employment in mostly low-skill jobs, with additional barriers being faced by young women and young people in the interior and south of the country.

Chapter Five: Skills for Employment and Other Youth Services
Offers an assessment of available Active Labor Market Programs and other youth services, highlighting the challenges in quality, outreach, and communication. The chapter emphasizes that solutions need to be developed in a concerted effort by public, private and civil society organizations.

Chapter Six: The Way Forward: Inclusive Youth Policy and Institutions
The final chapter provides a synthesis of the report and its policy recommendations. It presents a coherent overview of the key findings, and discusses a set of comprehensive policy reforms aimed at breaking the barriers to youth inclusion.
