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Mongolia: Mining Infrastructure Investment Support (MINIS) Project

October 27, 2016

What is the MINIS project?

The MINIS project provides technical assistance to help Mongolia build its capacity to apply international standards when analyzing and preparing infrastructure projects for possible investments.

Does it finance investments?

No. The MINIS project finances only technical assistance and therefore no infrastructure investments are eligible for financing under the MINIS project.

What does it finance?

MINIS finances the preparation of studies, including feasibility studies (technical and economic assessment), as well as environmental and social impact assessments. It also helps build local capacity to plan and prepare infrastructure projects.

What is the role of the MINIS Project regarding any planned hydropower projects on the Selenga river?

The MINIS project is financing feasibility studies as well as environmental and social impact assessments for a proposed hydropower project (Shuren Hydropower Project) on the Selenga River and a proposed water diversion project (Orkhon-Gobi Water Project) on the Orkhon River, a tributary.

Are the potential impacts of these projects properly assessed?

Yes. For each of the two proposed projects, a combined Regional Environmental Assessment and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment will be undertaken, as well as a Feasibility Study. The purpose of these studies is to make sure all impacts from potential investments are properly assessed. This includes potential impacts on communities, both in Mongolia and Russia, as well as impacts on the Lake Baikal ecosystem.

The ToRs for these studies are still undergoing a consultative process. The MINIS PMU, supported by the World Bank, is preparing for a series of consultations in Russia on the draft TORs. The timing of these consultations is under discussion with the Russian government. Once these dates have been confirmed, they will be posted on the MINIS project website consultation hub, along with consultation materials in Russian, including non-technical summaries of the ToRs, project briefs, fact sheets and presentations.

Once the ToRs have been finalized, a competitive bidding process for consulting firms to undertake the studies will begin. Once the studies begin, they are expected to take about two years to complete.

Will there be consultations with potentially affected communities?

Yes. As part of the assessments—and as required by World Bank operational policies in general and the World Bank’s policy on environmental assessment (OP 4.01) in particular—there will be consultations with potentially affected communities both in Mongolia and Russia. The development of a Communications and Consultations program in both Mongolia and Russia will be part of the consultants’ TORs.

What consultations have been held so far?

In 2015 and 2016, the project implementing agencies carried out eight consultation meetings with potentially affected people and other stakeholders on the project concept and draft ToRs – five for the proposed Shuren Hydropower Project and three for the proposed Orkhon-Gobi Water Project. For each meeting, comments were received, a response matrix was developed, and the draft ToRs were revised in response to the comments and recommendations.

  • Consultations held to date for Shuren: In addition to the consultation event held in: (1) Ulaanbaatar on January 16, 2015, follow-up consultations were held in (2) Tsuuts Bag Selenge Soum, Bulgan Province, on May 23, 2015, and in (3) Atar Bag Selenge Soum, Bulgan Province on May 25, 2015. Further local area consultations were held on April 18 and 19, 2016, in (4) Selenge Soum and (5) Atar Bag.
  • Consultations held to date for Orkhon: In addition to the consultation event held in: (1) Ulaanbaatar on January 29, 2015, further local area consultations were held for Orkhon in (2) Khishingundur, Khangal Soum and (3) Khyalganat village near the potential project site on April 17-18, 2016. Reports on these most recent consultations are forthcoming. In addition, a review of the prefeasibility phase also identified that local area consultations had been held on the project concept in Tov Province, Dundgobi Province, Umnu-Gobi Province, Bulgan Province, and Arkhangai Province, from November 11 to November 17, 2013.
  • Consultations and technical meetings organized by Russian stakeholder held in Russia:Three main consultations were organized in Russia by the Russian stakeholders:

- Stakeholder consultation organized by the District of Kabanski, State of Buryatia, on February 28, 2016. The Bank as well as the MINIS Project Management Unit (PMU) received the meeting minutes and comments and recommendations on the draft ToRs.

- Technical discussion meeting organized by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Moscow on April 11-12, 2016. The Bank as well as the MINIS PMU Director attended the discussions.

- A regional conference on Rivers of Siberia was organized by regional CSOs in November 2015 in Irkutsk. Bank Management attended the conference and presented the Bank’s safeguards policies. The outcome and recommendations from the conference were received by the Bank and shared with the MINIS PMU for its consideration in the finalization of the ESIA ToRs.

Last Updated: Oct 27, 2016
