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The World Bank in Pakistan: Partners in Development


This publication, The World Bank in Pakistan: Partners in Development, provides a look at the World Bank Group’s (WBG) extensive ongoing activities in Pakistan, written in an easy to understand manner on development issues in the country and the WBG’s role in it. It begins with a snapshot of recent developments in the country and how it compares with others in the region, in key economic and social indicators such as growth, education, and energy.

This is followed by a look at each ongoing World Bank project in Pakistan in one-page briefs, with background, financing and disbursement details, key components, development objectives, and results achieved so far. The 43 ongoing projects cover a wide variety of sectors, including agriculture, governance, education, health, and energy.

The publication showcases the World Bank Group’s commitment to Pakistan in helping end poverty and boost shared prosperity in the country.

Read on computer, iPhone, iPad, and Android, download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd.
