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Pakistan Policy Paper Series: Enhancing Development Dialogue

March 26, 2014


  • Since 2012, the World Bank in Pakistan has Since 2012, the World Bank in Pakistan has developed a series of policy papers by both internal and external experts on their take on various development issues in the country.
  • The papers address a diverse range of topics about Pakistan's key economic and social issues, including education, governance, growth, energy, among others.
  • This ongoing series is open to all authors and interactive. Through this, the World Bank hopes to contribute and generate fresh ideas. All the papers can be found on this page.

Over the past two years, the World Bank in Pakistan has started a series of policy papers on a wide range of subjects related to development in the country. Its main purpose is to contribute to a better understanding of the country’s economic, social and political developments and to facilitate policy dialogue.  It also aims to disseminate worldwide knowledge among wider audiences.

The Policy Papers, authored by experts in their fields, both Pakistani and international, are timely. With the 2013 general elections, a window for development dialogue is open. All key Pakistani stakeholders are participating in a rich debate about the country’s future choices, including the World Bank Group as it develops and implements its new Country Partnership Strategy for the next five years, through 2019.

The selected topics of the country’s key economic and social issues address the varied development challenges Pakistan faces from job-generating growth, expanding and improving basic infrastructure, strengthening social conditions and improving living standards for the poor, and promoting sustainable development and adapting to climate change.

This ongoing Policy Papers Series is intended to be interactive and open to all authors, both World Bank staff and external contributors. Through continuous interaction and feedback, the Bank hopes to contribute and generate fresh ideas.

The following are the Policy Papers currently published, with more to come:

  1. Reforming Electricity Subsidies in Pakistan - June 2014
  2. Pakistan Poverty Trends, Scenarios, and Drivers - June 2014
  3. Pakistan Country Development Landscape - January 2014
  4. Study on Tax Expenditures in Pakistan - January 2014
  5. A Growth and Adjustment Strategy for Pakistan - June 2013
  6. Pakistan: Path to Rapid Growth and Job Creation - June 2013
  7. Revisiting the Constraints to Pakistan’s Growth - June 2013
  8. Agriculture and Water Policy: Toward Sustainable Inclusive Growth - March 2013
  9. Agriculture Trade and Price Policy in Pakistan - March 2013
  10. Reinvigorating the Trade Agenda - March 2013
  11. Addressing Regulatory ‘Software’ Barriers to Business Growth - December 2012
  12. Labor Market Policies Under a Youth Bulge - December 2012
  13. What Do We Know about Growth Patterns in Pakistan? - December 2012
  14. Making Federalism Work – The 18th Constitutional Amendment - November 2012
  15. SOE Reform: Time for Serious Corporate Governance - November 2012
  16. Punjab Debt Sustainability Analysis - October 2012
  17. Making Spatial Change in Pakistan Cities Growth Enhancing - September 2012
  18. Public Infrastructure Trends and Gaps in Pakistan - August 2012
  19. Decomposing Distributional Changes in Pakistan - July 2012
  20. Human Opportunity Index (HOI) – National Equality of Children’s Opportunities in Pakistan - June 2012
  21. Human Opportunity Index (HOI) – Provinces Equality of Children’s Opportunities in Pakistan - June 2012
  22. Towards an Innovation Policy for Pakistan - May 2012
  23. Fiscal Implications of the 18th Amendment: The Outlook for Provincial Finances - November 2011
  24. Rethinking Incidence of Electricity Tariffs and Subsidies in Pakistan - July 2011
