The CPF focuses on three high-level objectives that will guide the partnership between the World Bank Group and North Macedonia:
- First focuses on improving the quality of public service delivery by enhancing its efficiency and transparency, through a program of closely aligned and complementary interventions to strengthen: (a) administrative capacity at central and municipal levels, addressing limitations that hinder the delivery of public services, the quality of infrastructure asset management, and the ability to raise revenues; and (b) the efficiency of public expenditures in key areas such as education, health, and social protection.
- Second speaks to the creation of more productive private sector jobs by strengthening the enabling conditions for private sector-led growth and foundational skills, with digitalization as cross-cutting theme. The CPF program will contribute to this high-level objective by: (a) promoting the conditions for increased access to regional and global value markets through better physical and digital connectivity, stronger alignment with the EU and global export requirements, and more efficient trade facilitation, while (b) supporting the implementation of the country’s human capital strategy in the areas of foundational skills in Early Childhood Development, primary and secondary education (technical and general); transition from schools to jobs; and the care economy.
- Third is about increased climate resilience, and emphasizes support to North Macedonia in addressing key environmental constraints to safeguard the sustainability of economic growth and the quality of life of its population, while contributing to the resolution of global environmental challenges, with a focus on adaptation. The CPF will continue to advance the energy efficiency and energy transition agendas and, with the upcoming NDS, focus on accelerating the decarbonization of economy, reducing air pollution, and closing transport and connectivity infrastructure gaps in line with the SCD pathway on accelerating decarbonization and ensuring energy security and with the emerging findings of the Country Climate and Development Report. The CPF commitment to scale up climate-resilient infrastructure responds to policy priorities on climate change adaptation and natural disaster preparedness and response.
The CPF proposes a combination of lending, advisory services and guarantees, provided by the World Bank Group institutions to support the achievement of the high-level objectives.
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