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Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys Reports

Past household monitoring efforts have been impeded by a lack of reliable official data. The World Bank's Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys (MSPS) address this knowledge gap. A large sample size of over 8,500 households, drawn from all 15 states and regions, and covering approximately 95% of Myanmar’s population, ensures that almost every demographic group in the country is proportionally represented.



The Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys (MSPS) : Round 2023-24 Survey Design Technical Note reviews representative properties of the World Bank’s Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys, which are used to monitor labor force participation, education levels, consumption patterns, migration trends, exposure to economic fluctuations, and coping mechanisms across states and regions in Myanmar.


MAY 2024: Populations in Peril : Decoding Patterns of Forced Displacement in Myanmar

The  Populations in Peril : Decoding Patterns of Forced Displacement in Myanmar provides a data-driven account of the displacement experiences of Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) in Myanmar and spotlights some key challenges affecting the well-being levels of this population.


MAY 2024: Development Reversed : Poverty and Labor Markets in Myanmar

The Development Reversed : Poverty and Labor Markets in Myanmar presents provides the headline estimates of Myanmar’s poverty by location and household characteristics. The combined impacts of multiple negative shocks, including the Covid-19 pandemic and the February 2021 military coup, have brought poverty headcount, depth, and severity in Myanmar back to levels last seen in 2015.

Cover of A Growing Crisis: Work Workers and Wellbeing Myanmar

MAY 2023: A Growing Crisis: Work, Workers, and Wellbeing in Myanmar

Full report (English)  

This report takes stock of labor market developments and household wellbeing in Myanmar between 2017 and 2022. The report contains updated labor market statistics that are comparable to past official surveys at state and regional levels, highlighting household vulnerabilities  and coping strategies.

Sections in this report:

- Executive Summary (page 2)

- Chapter 1: Snapshot of Myanmar’s labor market in recent years (page 7)

- Chapter 2: Subnational Differences in Employment, Earnings, and Coping Strategies (page 21)

- Chapter 3: Micro-determinants of employment and household wellbeing

Cover Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys Coverage, Reliability and Representativeness

APRIL 2023: World Bank Myanmar Subnational Phone Surveys (MSPS): Coverage, Reliability and Representativeness

Full report (English)

This technical note validates the MSPS representative properties at subnational level and addresses potential concerns about survey bias. The report examines MSPS compatibility with previous official household surveys, showing that the vulnerable households generally overlooked in other telephone surveys (low‐educated, poorer, female-headed, migrant households) are well‐represented in the MSPS survey sample.

Sections in this report:

- Section 1: Sampling and Stratification (page 2)

- Section 2: Sampling weights and Reweighting (page 5)

- Section 3: Performance Assessment: comparing MSPS weighted estimates to representative survey estimates (page 7)










