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Myanmar Economic Monitor Reports

The Myanmar Economic Monitor series provides a biannual perspective on economic developments and key challenges in Myanmar, covering the real sector, trade and foreign investment, prices and exchange rates, the financial sector, the fiscal situation, and poverty and welfare impacts – as well as an assessment of the short- and longer-term outlook.


Myanmar Economic Monitor Cover-Webpage-220x285.jpg

December 2024: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (EnglishMyanmar) | Report | Executive Summary (Myanmar)

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.6)

- Outlook and Risks (p.39)


June 2024: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (EnglishMyanmar) | Report
| Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.6)

- Outlook and Risks (p.41)


December 2023: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English, Myanmar) | Report

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.7)

- Outlook and Risks (p.39)

Cover of Myanmar Economic Monitor Report, June 202e. Shows garment workers

JUNE 2023: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English)  | Key Findings (English)| Report

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.7)

- Outlook and Risks (p.37)

- Employment, incomes and coping mechanisms (p.41)

Cover of Myanmar Economic Monitor Report, January 2023. Shopping.

JANUARY 2023: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English)  | Key Findings (English)| Report Executive Summary (Myanmar) 

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 6)

- Outlook and Risks (p. 39)

- Recent exchange rate developments (p.43)


July 2022: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (EnglishMyanmar)  | Key Findings (English)| Report | Executive Summary (Myanmar) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 11)

- Outlook and Risks (p. 46)



January 2022: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (EnglishMyanmar)  | Key Findings (English)| Report | Executive Summary (Myanmar) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 12)

- Outlook and Risks (p. 54)

- Digital Distruptions and Economic Impacts (p. 59)

- Digital & Telecommunications Monitoring, April 2022


July 2021: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (EnglishMyanmar)  | Key Findings (English)| Report | Executive Summary (Myanmar) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 12)

- Economic outlook and projections (p. 40)

- Development progress at risk (p. 45)


December 2020: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English, Myanmar)  | Key Findings (English)| Report | Executive Summary | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 16)

- Special Topics 1: Impacts of COVID-19 on Firms and Households’ Welfare (p.57)

Special Topic 2: COVID-19’s will set back Myanmar’s Human Capital Development (p.69)
- Medium-term outlook and risks (p. 83)



June 2020: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English, Myanmar)  | Key Findings (English)| ReportExecutive Summary | Presentation


Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 16)
- Medium-term outlook and risks (p. 50)
- The firm-level impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (p. 56)
- Impacts of COVID-19 on household welfare and poverty (p. 63)

Watch: The first ever virtual launch of the Myanmar Economic Monitor (for better sound, please use headphones)


December 2019: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Press Release (English, Myanmar)  | Key Findings (English) | Download Report (English) | Executive Summary | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 15)
- Economic outlook and policies (p. 39)
- Boosting the private sector’s contribution to growth (p. 42)


June 2019: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Download Report (English) | Video

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p. 14)
- Economic outlook and policies (p. 37)
- Delivering reliable and affordable power to all Myanmar people (p. 41)
- Using the multidimensional disadvantage index to better boost welfare in Myanmar (p. 48)



December 2018: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Download Report (English) | Video | Executive Summary (Myanmar) | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.13)
- Economic outlook and policies (p.43)
- Outlook for Economic Policy Developments (p.45)
- Short Term Revenue Mobilization (p.47)
- Spending More on Human Capital (p.58)


May 2018: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Download Report (English) | Video | Presentation

Sections in this edition:

- Recent economic developments (p.5)
- Economic outlook and policies (p.37)
- Drivers of Myanmar Foreign Direct Investment (p.43)
- Myanmar productivity analysis (p.49)
- Making finance work for all (p.57)


October 2017: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Download Report (English) | Video

Sections in this edition:

- Regional growth convergence (p.48)
- More and better jobs (p.52)
- Fiscal impact of SEEs (p.57)


December 2016: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Highlights (Myanmar)| Download Report (English) | Video

Sections in this edition:

- Slow recovery in agriculture (p.11)
- Slowdown in industrial output (p.14)
- Growing foreign investment in non-commodity sectors (p.20)
- Moderating inflation (p.24)
- Rapid credit growth but slow financial inclusion (p.27)
- Firm survival and job creation (p.44)
- Informal cross-border trade (p.49)
- Gas revenue management (p.56)


May 2016: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Highlights (Myanmar)| Download Report (English) | Video

Sections in this edition:

- Agriculture affected by floods (p.5)
- Structural change and labor migration  (p.10)
- Contraction in exports (p.16)
- Growing fiscal stress (p.23)
- Inflationary pressures (p.34)
- Gradual recovery in growth (p.39)
- The crossroads of Myanmar’s energy sector (p.45)


October 2015: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English)| Highlights (Myanmar) | Download Report (English) 

Sections in this edition:

- Public consumption and private investment driving growth (p.4)
- Growing current and trade account deficits (p.12)
- Rapid rise in private sector credit (p.21)
- Exchange rate pressures (p.22)
- Fundamental shifts in the Union Budget (p.28)
- Growth and inflation outlook affected by floods and slowing investment (p.32)
- Options for managing the minimum wage policy (p.39)


October 2013: Myanmar Economic Monitor

Highlights (English) | Highlights (Myanmar) | Download Report (English)

Sections in this edition:

- Macroeconomic trends and development (.p2)
- External Economic Environment: Implications for Myanmar (p.3)
- Policy Watch (p.10)









Last Updated: Dec 11, 2024
