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World Bank Myanmar Monitoring Platform – Firm Surveys


Since May 2020, the World Bank has conducted high-frequency phone surveys to understand how firms are being affected by and responding to the changing environment, as well as their outlook for the future. In each nationally representative survey round, 500 firms of varying sizes spanning the full range of industries are surveyed.


Round 18 (October 2024)

 PresentationTechnical Report(survey data)

Round 17 (May 2024)

 Presentation, Technical Report(survey data)

Round 16 (September 2023

PresentationTechnical Report(survey data)

Round 15 (April 2023)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data)

Round 14 (December 2022)

Presentation,Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 13 (September 2022)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 12 (June 2022)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 11 (March 2022)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 10 (December 2021)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 9 (October 2021) 

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 8 (August 2021)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 7 (June 2021)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 6 (December 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief

Round 5 (October 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data)Brief

Round 4 (September 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief(English,Myanmar)

Round 3 (August 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief(English,Myanmar)

Round 2 (July 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief(English,Myanmar)

Round 1 (May 2020)

Presentation, Technical Report(survey data), Brief(English,Myanmar), Infographic