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Mongolia: Mining Infrastructure Investment Support (MINIS) Project

Jan 13, 2020

What is the MINIS project?

The MINIS project provided technical assistance to help the Government of Mongolia build its capacity to apply international standards when analyzing and preparing infrastructure projects for possible investment. The project closed on Dec 31, 2019.

Did it finance investments in infrastructure?

No. The MINIS project financed only technical assistance. Therefore, no infrastructure investments were eligible for financing under the MINIS project.

What did it finance?

MINIS financed the preparation of studies, including feasibility studies (technical and economic assessments), as well as environmental and social impact assessments. It also helped build local capacity to plan and prepare infrastructure projects.

During its implementation, the project supported feasibility studies and/or environmental and social studies of a number of strategic projects concerning Baganuur and Tavan Tolgoi coal mines, Darkhan steel complex, and synthetic natural gas.  These studies were consulted upon with potentially affected communities following the World Bank policies and the relevant Mongolian legislation. 

A Regional Environment Assessment (REA) for the Shuren and Okrhon projects requires 20 months for implementation and therefore could not be carried out within the timeline of MINIS. The Government is considering options of implementing REA outside of MINIS.

What will happen with the studies and reports after MINIS project closure?

All of the publicly open reports prepared under MINIS were disclosed on MINIS website before December 31, 2019. The MINIS website will be maintained through June 2020, so stakeholders can access MINIS materials for six months after the project closure.

Last Updated: Jan 13, 2020
