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BRIEFJune 7, 2024

State of the Business Environment in Malaysia Survey 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Febuary 26, 2023, Aerial view The world's second tallest building PNB118 or Merdeka 118 sunrise

Capix Denan/

The World Bank’s Enterprise Analysis Unit is collecting data to receive feedback from the private sector enterprises on the state of the business environment among firms in Malaysia as part of the World Bank Enterprise Surveys from March to November 2024. 

The information to be collected will help provided important inputs in understanding the dynamics of the business environment in emerging economies. The survey was previously implemented in Malaysia in 2019 under the name Malaysia Productivity and Investment Climate – 3 (PICS3). In 2023-2024 the Enterprise Survey will be administered to almost 40,000 enterprises in more than 60 countries around the world. These surveys will be added to the existing similar surveys covering 155 countries and will also be used in the new Business Ready (B-READY) project of the WB.

The survey will be carried out by Ipsos Malaysia, who was competitively selected by the World Bank and will target owners and managers of companies throughout Malaysia.

The survey will be conducted either face to face or through video conference. Each survey interview will take approximately 50 minutes. All surveys are anonymous, so the identity of the respondents – individuals and firms – is not shared or published in any document or report. 

Please participate to provide your inputs in the design of more effective policies to support the private sector in Malaysia.

For more information, please contact: William Soh,

Business Ready (B-READY) is the World Bank’s new flagship report benchmarking the business environment and investment climate in most economies worldwide. The report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice.  With data that are comparable across economies and over time, B-READY provides actionable evidence to promote reforms for a stronger private sector.

The first B-READY report will be launched on September 25, 2024. 

Last Updated: Jun 07, 2024