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Consultations: Kyrgyz Republic Country Partnership Framework for Fiscal Years 2024-2028

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  • New Country Partnership Framework

    The World Bank Group is in the process of preparing its new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) with the Kyrgyz Republic for the Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2028.

    The CPF lays out the main development objectives which the World Bank Group aims to help the country achieve and proposes a selective and flexible program of engagement for this purpose. The CPF responds to the Kyrgyz Republic’s National Development Strategy (2018-2040), elaborated through a Medium-Term Development Plan (2022-2026), and is based on core diagnostic and analytical work by the WBG including the Systematic Country Diagnostic Update.

    Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) Update

    The SCD Update provides diagnostics of the main constraints to poverty reduction and shared prosperity and delineates the following pathways to a robust and resilient economy that can support higher and more inclusive income growth through the faster removal of barriers to private sector job creation:

    • Pathway 1: Catalyze private sector-led growth through deepened trade integration and a stable macro-fiscal framework.
    • Pathway 2: Build an effective state based on the rule of law, high governance standards, and strengthened risk-management capacities.
    • Pathway 3: Promote inclusion by investing in human capital and improved public services with reforms in social protection.
    • Pathway 4: Implement climate change strategies focusing on land productivity, restoration, and climate resilient infrastructure.

    CPF High-Level Outcomes (HLOs)

    Building on the above SCD update and feedbacks collected during the consultations with stakeholders, the new CPF will likely have three potential HLOs:

    1. Strengthen Foundations for Inclusive Private Sector Led Growth and Job Creation

    • Strengthen institutions for sustainable, resilient, and responsive macroeconomic and fiscal management
    • Enhance conditions for business creation and growth
    • Enhance financial deepening and inclusion

    2. Raise Resource Efficiency and Build Connectivity for Green, Resilient, Inclusive Growth

    • Promote regional cooperation and connectivity
    • Enhance efficiency and sustainability of natural resource sectors
    • Strengthen resilience to climate change and disaster risks

    3. Improve Human Capital to Enhance Livelihoods and Empower Vulnerable Populations

    • Develop human capital
    • Enhance economic empowerment and voice for vulnerable groups

    CPF Consultations

    An important element in the process of developing the CPF is consultation with key stakeholders, including representatives of the public and private sectors, civil society and research organizations, local communities, and international organizations. The purpose of these consultations is to exchange views on the country’s development priorities and how the World Bank Group can help achieve them.

    Face-to-face consultations

    Face-to-face consultations involving various groups of stakeholders across the Kyrgyz Republic took place in July–November 2022. Please refer to the schedule for more information about these consultations.

    Online consultations – share your views!

    The objective of the online consultations, which will last until March 15, 2023, is to seek broader feedback and comments from all interested parties. We expect to hear views from various groups and individuals to help finalize the CPF.

    Guiding Questions

    Here are some questions to consider in your feedback:

    1. What is your assessment of the current situation in the Kyrgyz Republic (or in your region of the country) in terms of the standards of living of the population? What are the top challenges? What are the main obstacles to their solution?
    2. Has the population's access to public services improved over the past five years? Has the quality of public services changed for the better?
    3. What are the most important development priorities that would significantly reduce poverty and improve people's living standards?
    4. How should the World Bank Group support Kyrgyz Republic’s development agenda? In what areas could the World Bank's support have the greatest impact on reducing poverty and improving living standards?
    5. How do you assess the participation of women in solving socio-economic issues in the Kyrgyz Republic (your region of the country)? What can be done to reduce inequalities between boys and girls, and men and women?

    Please send your comments and suggestions to the World Bank office in the Kyrgyz Republic:

  • Kyrgyz Republic CPF Consultations Schedule

    July-November 2022

    July 14, 2022, Bishkek

    Consultations with staff of the Community Development and Investment Agency (“ARIS”, an agency implementing Bank-funded community-driven development projects, with strong representations in regions across the country)

    September 6, 2022, Issyk-Kul Region

    ·         Consultations with regional authorities

    ·         Consultations with private sector representatives

    ·         Consultations with local communities: meeting with farmers

    ·         Consultations with local communities: meeting with a women’s group

    September 7-8, 2022, Naryn Region

    ·         Consultations with regional authorities

    ·         Consultations with higher educational institutions, youth and women’s organizations

    ·         Consultations with local communities: meeting with members of a water users’ association

    ·         Consultations with local communities: discussion of community-driven development and human capital development

    September 12, 2022, Osh Region

    ·         Consultations with regional authorities

    ·         Consultations with private sector representatives

    September 13-14, 2022, Batken Region

    ·         Consultations with regional authorities

    ·         Consultations with female entrepreneurs (micro- and small businesses)

    ·         Consultations with local communities: discussion of migration issues, job opportunities, community-driven development, and access to public services

    ·         Consultations with local communities: discussion of disaster risk management and human capital development

    October 3, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with the private sector

    Meeting of a select group of private entrepreneurs representing various sectors, including women-led businesses, with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Region Anna Bjerde

    October 3, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) of the Kyrgyz Republic

    Meeting of members of the Committee of the Jogorku Kenesh for International Affairs, Defense, Security and Migration with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Region Anna Bjerde

    October 3, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

    Meeting of Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Region Anna Bjerde

    October 4, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with think tanks, academia representatives, opinion leaders and social media influencers

    Meeting of a group of think tanks, academia representatives, opinion leaders and social media influencers with World Bank Managing Director of Operations Axel van Trotsenburg

    October 4, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

    Meeting of Chairman of Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Zhaparov and other members of the Cabinet with World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia Region Anna Bjerde

    October 5, 2022, Bishkek, Consultations with President of the Kyrgyz Republic

    Meeting of President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov with World Bank Managing Director of Operations Axel van Trotsenburg