Country Partnership Framework
The World Bank Group is currently in the process of developing its new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the Kyrgyz Republic for the period of 2018-2022.
The CPF will guide the Group's strategic support to the Kyrgyz Republic’s development agenda over the coming five years and will be closely aligned with the country’s development priorities. The CPF will be based on the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD), which is an assessment of the constraints and opportunities facing the Kyrgyz Republic in reducing poverty and building shared prosperity sustainably.
The design and preparation process of the CPF involves consultations with different groups of stakeholders in order to exchange views on the country's development opportunities and how to address them through the CPF.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions on how the World Bank Group can better deliver its mission of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity for the citizens of Kyrgyzstan.
Once developed and presented to the Group's Board of Executive Directors, the CPF will be made available to the public via the World Bank in the Kyrgyz Republic website
The Consultation Process
The consultation process includes both face-to-face consultation meetings and an online/web-based platform. The process started in November 2016 with strategic discussions with youth, heads of local municipalities, and business associations. To better fine-tune the strategic focus of the CPF, more consultations will take place in January and February 2018, both in the capital city of Bishkek and in the regions, involving NGOs, thinks tanks, academia and individual experts, private sector and government officials.
Online Consultations
The online consultation period is open until February 10, 2018. The objective of the online consultation is to seek broader feedback and comments from Kyrgyz citizens on the priority areas for potential CPF focus and engagement. To be part of this important consultation process, please send your views, comments, questions or suggestions to the World Bank’s office in Bishkek at
You can also contact us through our World Bank Kyrgyz Republic Facebook page:
Here are some questions to guide your response:
- What are the main development challenges that our new strategy should aim to address in order to support the development of Kyrgyzstan during 2018-2022?
- In which areas do you see the World Bank Group's support (either through financing, technical advice or policy dialogue) having the biggest impact in promoting sustainable poverty reduction and shared prosperity?
- In your opinion, what are the most important reforms that the Kyrgyz government should put in place?
- Would you like to share any other ideas, suggestions, or questions about development opportunities and challenges for yourself, your family, or your community in Kyrgyzstan?
We appreciate your contribution!